Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
25 August 2009
06:1427937This is an advert by a local (to Dover) firm for a school leaver, inviting them to apply for a job. The advert was refused by one of our esteemed local papers - what do you think ? should it have been turned down ?
"We are looking for a school leaver with good 'A' Level or GCSE qualifications interested in learning about our business, working towards becoming a full member of our specialist team.
You will need to be both numerate and literate with a keen interest in computers and modern technology.
Ideally you will have the qualifications to further your education at college or university level but have decided to make your way in the world of work
If you are looking for a career rather than just a job, take pride in whatever you do, are willing to please and keen to succeed then you may be the person we are looking for.
Applications in writing, including the names and addresses of at least two character referees to, should be sent for the personal attention of: "
I've left out the name of the company and the local paper that refused to run the advert.
What do you think of the advert and what do you think of the paper refusing to place it ?
This is the company's response to the local paper when told they couldn't place the advert:
"Dear ...............
We wish to employ a school leaver.
It's not just a job, it's a career opportunity we are creating to offer an opening for a young person who would rather make their way in the world of work than go to college or university and rack up thousands of pounds worth of debt.
Unfortunately, the people in your Recruitment Department refuse to accept an advert including the words 'school leaver' in case we offend somebody.
I don't know who this somebody is. I would have thought any half-sensible person would welcome any form of job creation for a young person at this time.
As a school leaver myself with some 40+ years experience, I can tell you I was very pleased with the opportunity offered to me when I started out.
Surely we are taking all this 'correctness' a little too far and shame on your paper for refusing to help us offer this opportunity.
Kind regards."
What do you make of this ??
25 August 2009
06:5527938It beggars belief. We clearly have to protect people from being exploited or from discrimination (that is, given minimum wage or below or refused a job because of their age, old or young, etc etc) but frankly, anything that gives an opportunity to young people should be welcomed. "Mutually beneficial" are the words that spring to mind. "Get a grip" swiftly follow.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
25 August 2009
bLIMEY here I am again agreeing with all that you say !!!
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
25 August 2009
07:3227947Come on Roger - name and shame the newspaper concerned. This is a disgrace and they should be exposed as incompetent ignorant fools.
All credit to the firm concerned looking to employ a school leaver. Not all school leavers want to get into a pile of debt for what can sometimes be a useless qualification.
Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
25 August 2009
07:3227948Very interesting story Roger. I dont see any obvious reason for the paper turning down the ad so perhaps there is a bit more to this. I cant think that the term 'school leaver' would be the culprit as you often see that..dont you!? or you used to...
It looks like of those old style apprenticeships where you study as well as work. It used to be a standard way to work at one time.
Ermmm... very interesting indeed.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
25 August 2009
07:3527949Just a thought, it could be some idiot in an office acting out of their own stupidity so the management of the newspaper concerned might be grateful to know this happened. So say who the paper is, the person who made this decision deserves the sack.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
25 August 2009
Even we can agree on this one
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
25 August 2009
08:0227954We do sometimes Keith.
Another thought, they did not say so, but could it be the new age discrimination legislation getting in the way. Odd they dont say that, if it is, but how sad it is that legislation, that I would agree had good intentions, might be allowed to get in the way of such an advert. Not all jobs/careers are suitable for older people and youngsters need chances like this to get on the rung. Common sense needs to be applied sometimes and if the law cannot make room for that then it is the law that is being turned into an ass.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
25 August 2009
For the second time we agree
hope the paper will be named soon
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
25 August 2009
08:1727958it seems odd that a newspaper turns down revenue in todays economic climate on what ever grounds ststed.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
25 August 2009
Don't completely follow that line, they could have good reason to turn an advert down(racist or whatever)
but in this case cant understand it
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
25 August 2009
08:2527960kieth,untill we get both sides of the story we will never know.but it does seem strange that one [1] paper prints the advert while the other dosent on what ever grounds deemed by the person who declined the advert.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
25 August 2009
thats why we wait for the paper to be named, and maybe even say why !!
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
25 August 2009
08:4727963The Mercury
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
25 August 2009
08:4827964very very surprized at that 1 ROGER
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
25 August 2009
09:2427967Playing Devils Advocate this type of advert could be classed as 'ageism' as it precludes 'older' non school leavers from applying for the position.
I await being hung drawn and quartered by a flock of forumites....
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
25 August 2009
11:0927972i thought that the company had got around the ageism law by using the term "school leaver" rather than stipulating and age.
at the end of the day, any newspaper has the right to refuse to take an advert.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
25 August 2009
HYou are correct on the issue of papers and they can put in them what they want how very true.
I recall Gwyn Prosser wanted to PAY prior to an election being called a full page advert but was declined as they said it was political!!!
Yet in the same paper we see regular full page articles on the other major party making it clear what party they are from.
not exactly non political is it.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
25 August 2009
12:3227978There is a difference between a 'paid for' advert just before an election and articles. GP after all has his weekly party political article in the DX.
25 August 2009
17:4127983As an employer myself (but by no means a red hot expert on employment law) I think this advert is breaking the law because it is alienating all age groups outside of the school leaver age bracket. I have been advised in the past when recruiting to ensure I don't advertise for "young" or "dynamic" or other words that describe "youthful" individuals. As a result, I did have the very interesting and worthwhile opportunity to interview graphics people of all ages and experience, but still ended up employing a more youthful individual as I couldn't afford the older, more experienced individuals. I feel that I had to waste my time with interviewing people that I knew I couldn't afford to take on. Having met a lot of older graphics people, I would have loved to have taken one on and employed my "equal" but none of them would have worked for the limited salary on offer.
If I had been allowed to run my own business my own way, I would have advertised for a young individual with at least one year of experience simply because the salary I could afford to pay matches this criteria. It was not an ageist policy, merely one of simple economics. Had one of the older chaps been willing to work for the money then I would have had them immediately but they all made it clear once they knew what the salary was and that was that.
The ageism law is well meaning but it is also bloody impractical and often wastes lots of peoples time and effort for no good reason other than to keep the PC-heads satisfied. Older, experienced workers (of which I am on the brink myself) are valuable, worthwhile and important to any workforce but they tend to come at a price in my trade, and the up-and-coming yongsters of the trade are ultimately far more affordable! Simple financial facts of life when in business. So, all you oldies out there with millions of years of experience, stop wanting so much money!