DT1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 15 Apr 2008
- Posts: 1,116
I was the youngest person there, and it was just what I expected.
There were many with their own agendas, a good example being the amount of scoffing every time the market square screen was mentioned. Mr Islam spoke very passionately about his experience of the decline over the past 25 years and as someone who is directly affected by some of the proposals it was good to have him there. There were many points and questions raised, very few of them to do with urban development. I think one of the most valid points raised (that actually had something to do with development and not just personal opinion) was about the emphasis on Whitfield and the effects of creating almost a second town that has more dialogue with Canterbury than Dover. Andrew Stuckden eloquently put Mr Aziz on the spot with this one, and it's something that has irritated for a long time. I think it's a fairly blatant agenda when even the district council even builds its offices there!
The presentation at the beginning was quite good, with the exception of the 'trance' soundtrack (very annoying). At the end there was an amusing disclaimer along the lines of "this is just a representation of possible projects "etc. It reminded me of being a kid and wanting 'Mr Frosty' something that looked brilliant on the TV commercial but the reality was just a bit crap! The other thing that was apparent was that it was just a load of 'one liner' developments, still no real cohesive master plan. There were lots of quotes flashing up about 'connection' (probably from American motivational speaker types, you know the ones that also talk about 'change management) but the schemes showed very little connection with the obvious exception of the cable car and land bridge.
I very much intend to still be around in 2035 and intend to raise this then, as many did on Tuesday that also experienced the rhetoric when they were my age. However when we look at how people sociological habits and use of towns has changed in the last 25 years, I find it fairly arrogant that we should be presenting this 'vision for the future' for the next 25 years, none of which is contemporary even now and is actually just a succession of single projects, none of which really addressing the real problems!
Well done to the organisers and Mr Aziz for coming, he has a hard job.
Terry Nunn- Location: London Road, Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,302
Fully agree with you there DT1 about the soundtrack. The people who make these DVD's these days often seem to think that an upbeat theme to the backing will enhance their case, it just makes me groan.
Certainly Nural Islam has a point, he is the proverbial mushroom. Even if DDC could write and say there is no progress yet it would help.
I was beginning to think that we had wasted our time and money in the public meeting, however your posting gives me a little confidence that we did the right thing.
Mr Aziz was quite brave in attending and, as evendenced by the picture, took time at the end to speak to people individually.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
Apparantly my question about the river was read out and rubbished as it is something that should have been resolved with other people - Dover Pride, Cabinet members at DDc etc.
I have, on more than one occasion written to DoverPride and ALL the members of the Cabinet and never received one reply about it, so where else can I go ?
DT1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 15 Apr 2008
- Posts: 1,116
Yes Roger I found the whole business of your letter being dismissed a bit strange. It makes me worry about the democratic process, lending itself towards the 'management' of people rather than the democractic leadership.
Terry you definitely did the right thing and it was a positive event. If only more people (especially those at the council) would attempt to engage the public in developments, even if sometimes it does appear futile to influence change. People should be involved (all generations). Really well done!
I also loved the posters, a subtle nod to public notices of the past!
Terry Nunn- Location: London Road, Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,302
I'll email an mp3 of his response Roger. Basically, it's down to you and other councillors to push it through.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,019
You should not be surprised at the response given to Rogers email .I have tried to bring about open and transparent decision making .Look where it has got me .It has cost me dearly but my pride is intact .More than can be said for some .May they hang their heads in shame .
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,019
You should not be surprised at the response given to Rogers email .I have tried to bring about open and transparent decision making .Look where it has got me .It has cost me dearly but my pride is intact .More than can be said for some .May they hang their heads in shame .
Guest 684- Registered: 26 Feb 2009
- Posts: 635
Great posting by DT1 (the long one). Just about sums it up, despite the well-meaning postulations of Mr Aziz (who does have a very hard job, granted). People palmed off with Powerpoint procrastinations, meaningless marketing soundbites and graphical garbage.
Still, everything will be just wonderful in our little Kentish version of Monaco in 26 years' time! Hooray!
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
But you do have to start somewhere and that start has now been made - let's just chivvy it up a bit.
DT1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 15 Apr 2008
- Posts: 1,116
You do Roger, the best place to start is with a masterplan, something still absent.
Thanks Andrew, nice alliterative response!
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i have been trying to get sense out of dover pride for yonks.
all the replies were along the lines of "a lot of things in the pipeline"nudge nudge.
nowadays they just issue their "mission statement".
what was the letter about anyway?
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
Time passes by and Dover dies
Guest 652- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 595
Its supposed to start with the Priory Station re-vamp and high speed trains, but as usual trains are always running late
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
dover pride has no pride,its all mouth and no trousers.