howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
after the issue raised in the dover express last week regarding 14 grand spent on water at the council offices, more pressure is being exerted on them for sending a four person delegation to last weeks open golf at st andrews.
apparently one cove ensconsed himself there for 9 days to garner bookings for next years event at sandwich.
our nigel was there for 2 days.
how much have things changed since 2003 when we held this event?
the total cost of the visit is not known.
is this a storm in an eggcup, mountain out of an anthill?
Guest 651- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 5,673
Damned if they do, damned if they don't......
Been nice knowing you :)
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Howard this post is not anew one mate I was on about this weeks ago on the forum,there was no need for any Cllrs to go to the open.They have been puting it on in Sandwich now for some years and know what to do.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
apologies vic i must have missed your post on this one.
i tend to agree with your view especially as canterbury city council and kent county council were represented there.
Jollies for the boys chaps, at our expense of course.
Guest 651- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 5,673
Surely they need to promote the Dover District and people to spend their money here rather than Canterbury or Thanet or further afield ?
Been nice knowing you :)
Agreed Scotchie, but if KCC, DDC and CCC all needed to attend surely one representative from each would suffice?
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
That is just the point Paul the open at Sandwich sell its self just like it does all around the world, it has been at Sandwich before and not long ago there is no need to promote it in anyway, all the visting public come for is the open and after it is over get back on the M roads and are gone, we have seen this all before and even myself was in the group that got the world Archery to Dover but the town did not make any funding out of it apart from a few meals all they came for was the Archery when over away they all went.there was no need for any of the council to go to this years open none at all.
Guest 651- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 5,673
Exactly, with more people holidaying in the UK the area needs to promote it's for people to stay in the area for a couple more days.
Working on your logic, nearly everyone in the country knows Dover Castle, so why do EH need to publicise it ??!!
Been nice knowing you :)
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
I do not think they need to PAUL what they puplicise is the events they put on and again as I said before the UK open sells itself they have no need to do alot to publicise about it.
Maybe they are also marketing the other attractions on the 'Open' doorstep?
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
My understanding is that one Officer and one Member from DDC went to St. Andrews.
This was to promote and fact-find for next year.
This is worth millions to the general East Kent area, but we must push Dover (District) as much as we can - accommodation, historic sites, businesses etc. etc.
We need people to spend their money here and not in Canterbury or other nearby Towns, but I wonder if anyone is doing anything to improve the Town (buildings, litter, signage, ASB etc. etc.) so people will enjoy being here instead of somewhere else.
We haven't got long, but so much to do - there is an obvious body that should be working on it, but with just a part-time worker, they can't do much.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Roger,that is a very old record you are playing as you and others even myself have been trying that for years now, but back to the open this would have been already done in the way of accommodation,and the histotic sites are the same as last time and will be the next time but it will only bring business around the open it self. So again ther was no need for the DDC to send anyone to St,Andrews.
Guest 651- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 5,673
Vic, yours is the very old record, there is a now a lot of competition between areas for the tourist ££ - DDC are doing the right thing to promote our area.
We all know that Dover is a place to pass through and we ALL need to do all we can to get people to stop here and visit our countryside and historical sites.....
Been nice knowing you :)
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
What has that to do with sending Four up to see the open at St Andrews.And just to let you know that I am still working on get new events in Dover and the one I am doing at this time is geting the Kent Junior Chess Championship put on in the Dover College the headmaster is working with me on this one,and the last email from the Chess Association is saying they are very keen for that to go ahead.That email I have forward to the Dover Forum.
Good on you Vic for trying to get the KJCC here in Dover. I am unfamiliar with the event, when is it held and how many visitors do you estimate it will bring to our town?
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i would have thought it would only be the parents of the players.
still kudos for the town though.
I'd have thought Vic and Andy would be working to bring the UKIP Party Conference to Dover. That would be a really positive thing to acheive as it would put Dover on the party conference roadmap for the others too.
Don't anyone say why it can't be done, just suggestions as to how it might be acheived please.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
My thoughts are that its great getting golf to the area, but has still to be proved if Dover District benefits, still doubtful Dover gets the full potential, or markets to get people into Dover.
Shame but a fact
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
blimey keith where have you been?
we all thought the worst and had a whip round, have to hand all those 10 pence pieces back to the donors now.
on the subjcet of the golf, you will remember that the mildmay hotel in the folkestone road was full of texans for a week last time the golf was in sandwich.