Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,018
Im very aware of all the hard work done by all the staff at the musuem ,as I said earlier that comes under my remitt.I have to fit that in with my vast Housing Portfolio.If you read minutes or attended meetings you would be aware I voted against the amount of money being spent on Deal pier.I will always defend the musuem staff .Currently the staff are working on the next exhibition Toys.
Guest 660- Registered: 14 Mar 2008
- Posts: 3,205
Sue, Cheryyl Gilling/Parker left,you make it sound a voluntary thing,would it be because the DDC got rid of the Tourism section ,because I know she was not happy about losing her job at the time.
If you knew what I know,we would both be in trouble!
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i do not think that the museum staff need defending, there results speak for themselves.
can the same be said for their betters?
The Museum is fabulous, staff don't need defending.......the local investment in tourism and it's management however does - or rather, it is indefensible!
Guest 648- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 258
Oh what a nit picking lot you are .Praise /defend call it what you may .I stress i always seek ways to ensure services are not cut at the musuem.The musuems were the only part of Community role that I was left with.Its no wonder some councillors no longer post on here .We are dammed what ever we say.
DT1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 15 Apr 2008
- Posts: 1,116
What's Deal Pier got to do with anything?
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,018
It just goes to show not everyone understands the financial side of DDC.When work needs to be done on Musuems ,Parks ,Piers etc we all have priorities..I think £100,000 required for the Kearsney Abbey lake is important.I also think toilet refurbishment is important.When something like the cafe on Deal pier comes in way over budget I will vote against it.Thats where Deal Pier comes into this thread.I need money for the musuem but will have to argue with my fellow councillors.
Guest 651- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 5,673
'Dover' should have gone for the Sea Change money rather than English Heritage, think would have been a better long term investment for the town....
Been nice knowing you :)
We don't have to "understand the financial side of DDC" - that's what we pay our money for: to have people who understand it and will work with us. We don't need to have a medical degree to go to the doctor, but we do expect her/him to treat us with courtesy, treat our ailments and listen to us.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
you cannot expect to be an elected representative without people querying your successes and failures.
we are not living in the old soviet union.
the electorate has a right to know if their money is spent wisely.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
Tourism should have a much higher priority than it does, but back in 2003, (I have said this all before), Dover District tresidents were asked what was more important to them - tourism or anti-social behabviour and people said that the Council's money (the public's money) and efforts should go into Anti-Social Behaviour; so the asb unit was set up.
Not trying to be too political here, but there was a massive hole in the budget at DDC after 10 years or so of Labour administration, so many financial holes had to be plugged up first.
Balancing the budgets at DDC (at any local authority) is one of the most important issues facing the administration, so savings had to be made and as tourism is NOT a statutory responsibility and the majority of the people voted for asb, it's importance and money spent on it, was reduced.
The Tourism Manager's post was done away with and an existing person (Jon Iveson) was made Tourism Manager.
Jon is a great guy, is really very hard-working, very knowledgeable (he has a mountain of information about Dover's history (especially the Westeren Heights, in his head) and has in fact helped enormously with the Historic Walks of Dover I (and others) have been working on, but on Jon's own admission, he isn't a Marketing Man, nor a Tourism Manager, but does well at everything he does.
There are moves afoot which may help with tourism, but I would say that the priority should be a return of the tour bus for next year (too late for this year of course) and working on making Dover a destination as regards Group Travel.
I received some leaflets and other information from VisitKent and the only mention of anything to do with Dover, was the Castle - that's why we don't get anywhere - our tourism is in the hands of people who do not promote us; even our cruise ship benefits - from tourism, is no where near as big as it should be - some businesses obviously do benefit, but not our local shops or tourist attractions, not as much as they should.
This topic could go on forever.
DT1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 15 Apr 2008
- Posts: 1,116
Sue, I understand that you don't feel that people are giving you a fair time here and as I always say I commend our representatives that post here. However I agree with Howard that you must be open to criticism as well as praise. The reality is if the people that you represent had a massive problem with your decisions then they simply wouldn't put you in the position to make them (Or at least that's the way it should be). You should however not think that you are doing anything that is beyond the ability of the people you represent. I'm sure (even with my limited working class thought processes) that I would understand 'the financial side of DDC' that is as long as DDC understand them themselves (which is probably why I don't understand some of their planning decisions) I think that so many of you do a great job and told one of your colleagues a few weeks ago of the good work with the Pencester Play area and its merits. The problem is Sue that you don't have to be educated in accounting, town planning or critical thinking to be a representative of people that do, and for this reason you must accept criticism.
Roger raises the point that tourism is not a statuary responsibility and for that reason I can see why a local authority would cut a seemingly superfluous service. However to offer such a poor provision is just not acceptable and it amazes me. DDC and so many other organisations in the town either have to: a) employ someone from afar on a ridiculous wage, who then proves themselves to be less than adequate; or b) not bother at all. There are individuals in this town that work extremely hard on all sorts of promotion and their work is largely unrewarded, with the effective use of these people with the right guidance things could actually happen.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,018
This has been an interesting post.I do accept cricism and it is generally accepted i argue when I feel strongly about decisions made.I donot have qualifications and I represent some people who are far better educated than myself,however I talk to lots of people and mix with people from all social backgrounds.If I wasnt doing my job I would not be returned each time with an increased majority.I think my lovely Roger explained it perhaps better than I did in my original posting.At DDC we have to make choices ,Anti Social Behaviour won the day and a lot of resource went into that area .I would have preferred to have seen more spent on tourism.I was critised when at a public meeting I sais DDC did not have the money to support tourism.I took a lot a stick over that but I will always give the public the truth.I know I cannot change the world but in my own way I will continue to challenge when I think my colleagues are wrong ,as was the case with the cost of Deal Pier.
Mr Iveson is a grand chap and I enjoy working with him and will praise /defend his corner when I can Currently DDC are looking at further cuts where will the chop be this time.
Parish councils,Town Councils can raise their precepts.I see I donot need to explain this to you.DTI.On another thread their is talk of the costing for Gloria Hunerfords attendance at the Pencester event .This money will come out of DTC budget .DDC could not afford to do this as you all want your bins emptied and Musuems kept open etc.I apologise if DTC obtained the presence of Gloris free.
DT1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 15 Apr 2008
- Posts: 1,116
I don't think anyone here is unreasonable in their postings and I respect your replies Sue, thanks.
With reference to the other thread, I'm quite looking forward to seeing Gloria.
I am always glad to see postings from Sue, or anyone who we have agreed to pay and support to manage our community and its resources. I think she is wise and clever to use this forum - it is the distance and apparent arrogance of local authorities and their reps that cause many of the communicationn problems and friction and this forum is a good place to redress the balance. However, "I do not need to explain this to you" in relation to how our money is spent is rather inflammatory, I have to say. Part of the function of a manager - and that is what Sue and others doing this work are - is to communicate effectively and be able to justify and rationalise decisions, especially unpopular ones! There are always unpopular decisions to be made, and that is your job, and all decsions popular or otherwise have to be able to be justified with evidence of the reasons. And those reasons can be convoluted and often rooted in business-speak - part of your job is to make it understandable (not necessarily popular) to people who pay you and elect you/appoint you/support you.
Guest 648- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 258
A very good posting there Bern.I agree there is often a failing to explain why decisions are made.The press do attend meetings but not all.I think they get fed up with political point scoring .I always maintain we are elected to serve the people and ensure we give the quality service within budget which people deserve.
You maybe aware DDC recently made the decision to close some of our outdated sheltered schemes.I ensure I visit some of the residents who we have had to rehouse .A lesson to learn have we dealt with the situation correctly.I recently visited someone who has been rehoused .a pleasure to meet her and to find out if we had made her move easy.
Guest 648- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 258
A very good posting there Bern.I agree there is often a failing to explain why decisions are made.The press do attend meetings but not all.I think they get fed up with political point scoring .I always maintain we are elected to serve the people and ensure we give the quality service within budget which people deserve.
You maybe aware DDC recently made the decision to close some of our outdated sheltered schemes.I ensure I visit some of the residents who we have had to rehouse .A lesson to learn have we dealt with the situation correctly.I recently visited someone who has been rehoused .a pleasure to meet her and to find out if we had made her move easy.
It really is that communication thing that oils the wheels and reduces disaffection. It also ensures that decisions are made accountably and responsibly if it is a requirement that the reasons are evidenced and transparent. The personal touch also works wonders!!!