Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
According to Page 10 of last saturdays Daily Mail, record numbers of ageing UK citizens want to leave the UK...soon as... That august body of dour demeanour, with personalities not prone to exageration, The Foreign Office, have found in their recent research that all us oldies are more than a tad fed up. Yes more than four in ten..not five but more than four, are considering moving abroad at this point. And the ones that cant go probably want to go.
What makes them all want to leave you ask?? Especially as so many foreigners want to come here!
Well they are fed up with freezing temperatures, lousy economoic conditions( older ones living on interest from their savings are crippled financially because of the low returns), soaring crime rates, asbo problems, and the high cost of living generally. Also many feel disenfranchised, a great shame this, the post war generation dont feel that they belong any more. The Identity of the nation is gone. It has become somewhere else.
So the older mom and dad generation, or to some grans and grandads, are no longer happy living here. Sad state of affairs.
Rick has just done the review of a rather grim sounding movie called HARRY BROWN on his movie page, starring Michael Caine. Its a film that depicts Broken Britain bigtime..its about a grandfather fighting back against the horrors, it may initially look like fiction but perhaps its all too real.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
I don't find this surprising at all.
I was born in 1948, so I'm smack in the middle of the "Baby-Boomers"; for me it's not the financial side, although that's not so easy; it's not the weather, although I'd like it to warm up; it's not the cost of living, although I feel prices (and all sorts of taxes) are too high - especially petrol: for me it's society that's wrong and so different to years ago.
I know times change, but it seems society is only changing for the worse.
The justice system seems devoid of justice.
Society in general (not everyone of course) - and it's not confined to the young, is so selfish and arrogant.
Too many people have no pride where they live.
Too many people are lazy - in mind and body.
I totally agree that the identity of the Nation has gone and it's been done on purpose with eyes wide open.
We are - were, supposed to be a Christian Country, slowly but very very surely, we are losing that too; even the Church is complicit in that.
That'll do for starters.
Brian Dixon![Brian Dixon](/assets/images/users/avatars/681.jpg)
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
yes i am afraid i am one of those who would move abroad mony allowing.its none of the above reasons as posted by paul/roger but all i would want is a slower more reasoned way of life,with out the fear of being mugged,knifed or beatan up for being in the the wronge place at the wrong time.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Brian, Muggings, knifings of beaten uo,happens all around the world,just that we do not see or hear about it.
Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
I think Roger has hit the nail on the head there about the changes in society being to blame mostly for the disenchantment, particularly for the older ones as the younger ones dont seem to care either way.
There was a story on R4 this morning about the Village of Sandhurst where the famed Military Academy is. It has existed as is for centuries, but right next to the Academy planning permission had.. had, been granted for a full minareted Mosque, thereby completely... in the words of locals... destroying the village. England becomes somewhere else, no longer England. This is the view of the villagers on the programme..although some are in favour of the Mosque being built, especially the muslim community of course, as you would expect. So the locals are split, but traditionalist have won the first battle now by having the planning permission reversed.
Switzerland you might remember recently took this view as well, in an effort to hold on to their identity. In an instant communities can change..the traditonal England so loved by all is dispersing day by day and becoming somewhere else. But its a sad state of affairs when the people who loved and inhabited the England that was, now want to leave it. Where did it all go wrong?
One sided multi-culturism is to blame. If I were to apply to build a church in a Muslim country there wouldn't be a cat in hell's chance of me being allowed to do it. If I were to try and buiold a church in the heart of muslim Bradford, I wouldn't be allowed to do it and would be seen as attempting to cause racial tensions. So why do we allow the muslims to build mosques? This IS a Christian country isn't it?
Britain now is for the multi-culturalists, do-gooders, chavs, spongers and PC brigade, and, quite frankly they are welcome to it. Good luck to them as they will soon find they have NO country of their own.
I too am from the baby boomer generation and, as soon as I am able, will be off to live abroad too.
Terry Nunn![Terry Nunn](/assets/images/users/avatars/647.jpg)
- Location: London Road, Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,304
I wish that I could retire to sunnier climes. Somewhere like Spain, and still get my state pension and winter fuel allowance.
However family ties are everything. I will stay here, still abused by the neighbour from hell and his army of "boys". I will still have rubbish thrown over my wall on a daily basis. I will still collect video evidence of attacks on my house and I doubt if anything will happen from the police point of view. Yesterday a tape was given to the PSCO. It clearly shows what happened. She tries her best and I applaud that, but that's about as far as it goes.
What is the point of DASBU? Some while ago they wrote saying that they didn't consider it to be anti-social behaviour, therefore they won't help. I'm sorry but I feel feel that they are a waste of space and money. Last year we went to see Insp Ludwig. He appreciated our concerns but Fagin still rules the roost in this area.
So, given no ties I would certainly go, but as it is I am stuck here.
Depressed of Dover
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Terry you can do that,my mate has done that,and later in the year we are going to stay with them for a week or two,he still gets his State Pension and the so does his wife they get the same as they did in the Uk They sold their house for £180,000
had a place build in Spain it realy is a great house with pool as well, 3bedrooms, cost was about the same £180.000.
So you can do it.
A word of caution, Spanish property laws are vastly different to those in the UK, so always seek advice from a body with local knowledge.
Unregistered User
There are as many returning home because of the drop in the exchange rate of the pound and general recessionary effects.
Those with fixed incomes, together with those relying on interest investment income or both are really feeling the pinch particularly in France and Spain.
Guest 693- Registered: 12 Nov 2009
- Posts: 1,266
I agree 100% with Roger's and Sid's posts, this country has been allowed to degenerate beyond all recognition from the country my Grandparents lived in, and the blame for that lies 100% with the politicians. Frankly I don't believe what Paul is saying to be true, but that is just a personal belief, I have no way of proving it to be so.
That said, I'm as patriotic as ever I was, and I love my country - I just want to see it run better, that's all. I have always craved remoteness, and for that reason alone, given the opportunity and the money, I would move to Orkney (if only to be next door to the Highland Park distillery!
) whence I could still run my online business efficiently enough.
I'm not a sun worshipper, so the attraction of sunnier climes isn't for me, for me it's about quality of life, and in that respect we have be badly let down by those we have elected into office, from across the political spectrum. The last politician whom I believe put 'Great' back into 'Great Britain' who stood up to the bullies and restored some pride into this country was Margaret Thatcher, and she was vilified for it (and still is by many). Even she started to lose it at the latter stages of her premiership, and the succession of second raters who have held office since she was ousted have long since undone all the good that she did. Quality of life in the UK is second rate right now, and with the legacy of debt being left by the current government, I cannot see things ever improving in my lifetime. Tory sleaze, Labour lies, City greed and incompetence at all levels of our government strata have left us looking pretty shabby. I can understand why so many want to leave.
True friends stab you in the front.
Guest 690- Registered: 10 Oct 2009
- Posts: 4,150
100% for all the above posting`s, and nothing I can add except that I could see this coming year`s ago. It`s exactly the same as the animal world. Put new species among existing one`s and within a short period, the original species will face extinction, and that`s what`s happening here. I`m off to Scotland when I retire if I can, north of Inverness. Still wide open and unspoilt.
Tell them that I came, and no one answered.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
the winter fuel allowance is still payable irrespective of where you live.
Brian Dixon![Brian Dixon](/assets/images/users/avatars/681.jpg)
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
vic,maybe so but things like that are sorted quickly and without answer to post 4 vic.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
sid makes a valid point about spanish property laws.
many people bought property through local estate agents, used local solicitors, paid all necessary taxes, now years later are being told that their houses will be demolished.
everything was done through the official channels then 10/20 years later they are told that building was illegal on the land.
so much for our friends in the EU.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
I wouldn't buy a property in Spain for the reasons given; Cyprus, where my older brother lives, is O.K. (the weather is better than Spain too) but getting hold of the title deeds are a problem there.
Renting a property over there (anywhere) and renting your property over here might be better, but make sure you have a good letting agent - one you can trust.
From my experience, being in the Accommodation Shop in Worthington Street for 4 months, they are honest and reliable and work genuinely for both tenants and landlords.
PaulW is also right about the hardships felt by many Brits during these recessionary times. Their pensions fetch much less Euros, even if they do get the heating allowance - how can they get winter fuel allowance living in a warmer country ? That's a waste of our money if ever I heard it.
Be sure you can afford it and be sure you do it properly and don't listen to so and so down the pub who said this that or the other and knows it all.
But hey, you only live once, so make the most of it - go for it.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
What we can do is run away from the problem, but in reality many moons ago I, and many others warned of the dangers of the policies of our Maggie.
Whilst not wanting to make this into a political slant, the policies she brought in divided families, made it harder for families to be a unit, the list is endless.
So we can tinker at this like sid says in his view its multi culture stuff, or Roger on the law.
but thats just tinkering with the problem.
We have a serious problem of society in general, and until ANY national Govt changes that we are stuck where we are.
And believe me NO political party is looking to change it.
Tinker with it yes, but change it in a drastic way, no.
So lets pull no punches here, I'm going no where, and can only hope it improves, but I see no signs of it at the moment
Brian Dixon![Brian Dixon](/assets/images/users/avatars/681.jpg)
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
kieth,no amount of tinkering will help.the goverment which ever party is in the status quo will remain the we have a choise stay and suffer or move to inprove,cash willing.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Keith - get back to the real world instead of that lefty bunkum.....
It is the policies of the present Government that are the real problem driving people away. The way British people are being made to feel like aliens in their own country with the deliberate mass immigration encouraged by Labour along with the 'multi-cultural' pc nonsense that is so damaging to the British way of life.
For you to try blaming Mrs T, who has been out of office for 20 years and after 13 wasted terrible years of Labour in power, for a record number of over 55s want to emmigrate is self-deciet in a grand way. Face up to the consequences and reality of the policies of the last 13 years.
Be very careful about buying land or property in the North of Cyprus. Cypriots dispossessed during the Turkish invasion are now going home and expecting their property back. The EU so far, has found in favour of the dispossessed on each occasion, meaning some have lost their entire investment. Be careful.
As for heating allowance, well, even in Lagos during part of the rainy season, it was noticeably colder. The same is true for all climates, at some point in the year, it gets cold. Even if that is only comparatively. If you are used to living in 45 degree heat and it drops to 25-30 degrees, it feels cold. So, there is a justification for paying to those who choose to spend winters abroad.
Didn't know the Accommodation Shop handled overseas property, and I would be very wary if they did. How can they understand the market and legalities by being based in Dover? I'm in no way suggesting they are untrustworthy, but if it were me, I'd prefer to use an agency local to where I was buying/renting.
Not sure why politics has entered this thread, it isn't relevant, necessary or constructive.