No, it won't be too late Phil. And thank you, Chris.
I asked for the minutes from the Events Committee meeting, and have now received them. The Events Committee are asking for monies to be moved ("vired") from other budgets to pay for this.
In the same minutes they state that the "Fairtrade" logo would be the first one they would require for an instaplant carpet bed logo.
They also state that this apparatus will be "secured in front of the War Memorial Statue".
The minutes finish by saying that this is subject to positive replies being received to their "consultation". So one can assume that if they do not receive positive replies, then they will not be going ahead with this.
The people they have consulted are the "Remembrance Sunday" organisations - I assume that means those bodies who lay wreaths. Okay, but one enormous flaw in this is that these organisations do not necessarily encompass the many people in Dover and beyond, including overseas, who remember their lost loved ones from Dover, and who mourn to this day their loss. This means that these individual families who sacrificed their sons, daughters, husbands, wives, brothers, will effectively not even have been consulted.
The Events Committee have said that their imposed deadline for responses is 3rd April, so there's most certainly a point in everyone who doesn't agree with this proposal to continue writing to Tracey. If you do nothing, as they stated in the letter to me, they will assume you agree and that they can erect this sign.