Whilst totally opposed to taking the life of someone, I believe that it would be for the greater good of all concerned, both when coming into this life, and also leaving it, if the medical profession stuck to the moral position put most succinctly by Arthur Hugh Clough writing in the mid-nineteenth century: 'Thou shalt not kill; but need not strive officiously to keep alive.'
Ross Miller![Ross Miller](/assets/images/users/avatars/680.jpg)
- Location: London Road, Dover
- Registered: 17 Sep 2008
- Posts: 3,699
Shut down all Regional Development Agencies immediately
Review all quangos and shut down those that deliver little or no discernible benefit (e.g. Potato Marketing Board) after all there are over 1120 of them in the UK spending over £100,000m
Remove benefits from 16 - 18 year olds, but pay them circa £30 per week if they stay at school or college or do community service.
No one should be entitled to benefits unless they have amassed 2 years NI contributions
Housing benefit trimmed and limited to no more than a 3 bedroom house, additionally benefits only payable for the first 3 children.
No extra housing points for having a baby - this will stop all those teenagers with no qualifications getting knocked up to get a flat and then expecting joe taxpayer to foot the bill
Scrap child benefit for families with an income in excess of £45,000
Scrap all undelivered national database projects
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today." - James Dean
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
While loving someone deeply gives you courage" - Laozi
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
Maybe someone should send these ideas/suggestions to the Prime Minister and George Osborne.
They all sound eminently sensible and none cutting money the NHS, Police, or the military.
I believe child trust funds should go for a start silly idea in the first place.
Roger, perhaps our Charlie can take them for us just to show what a great bunch of folks there are down here in this corner of Blighty.
Guest 693- Registered: 12 Nov 2009
- Posts: 1,266
Beat me to it, Sid. Perhaps Barry could point Charlie's eyes in this direction.
True friends stab you in the front.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
I will be making sure my suggestions, particularly the phased salary freeze for the public sector gets fed into the process....
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
Blimey bruv you gone that one step to far mate.
IVF is a nreed for many and theres no way it should be withdrawn from the NHS
I don't know how much knowledge you have on that or any of the other subjects you raise in post 19 but im afraid your badly wrong on that one.
Anyone with any knowledge on the subject will inform you more.
I won't say anymore at mo see what posters have to say
Agree with you Keith.
Keith I do speak from some experience with very close relatives.
One couple unable to have children and the other with two children with extreme learning difficulties.
Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
Sid, your point N. 6 is good, it is somewhere along the line I have been proposing, and could even be - at least for those who volunteer - covered by a kind of national service for people who want to feel part of the Country and have the right to be trained and march to a factory or farm in a company, while serge orders out all non British workers and gets the unemployed British in.
Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
Bob, every person born depends on care, also those who are born prematurely.
Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
Barry, your points are exciting, but don't forget the Shire Regiments! Ultimately, our Country needs to make sure that our young people are cared for, trained, receive and keep discipline, and given the right to march into our own factories and onto our own farms and receive the work in return for a salary.
Some people on this forum state:no mercy no compassion for unemployed lazy Bitish people. All the more will I state: no mercy no compassion for foreigners working in our factories and on our farms (unless married to British citizens).
Young people with no work experience will hardly get a chance to experience work as long as foreigners march in with more experience and get the jobs!
Serge, give orders!
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
Twice in your previous posts you have referred to foreign nationals being married to British citizens as being exempt from your racist policies on overseas workers.Are you aware of the thriving trade in arranged marriages,marriages of conveniences (for visa purposes) and forced marriages,where young asian girls born bred and educated in this country are forced to marry to some Herbert uneducated farmer from a village in deepest (wherever) purely to facilitate his entry to the UK .Obviously not otherwise you would not have so glibly crossed those off your ever growing list of undesirable aliens.
Hope this sets your mind at ease.
Marek the Pole
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Brian Dixon![Brian Dixon](/assets/images/users/avatars/681.jpg)
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
marek,well put young man.
brian the pole.
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Brian, Marek 'young man'?????????
I gave up describing myself as 'middle aged' when I realised that few people live to 106!
Sack care managers and "senior practitioners", reduce social services to a minimum in order to just about meet legal standards and contract Third Sector organisations to meet the needs of disadvantaged or vulnerable people. They do a better, more cost effective job, do not on the whole get up their own ars*s with their own power and importance to the detriment of everyone else including the vulnerable.
BarryW - with you mate!
Bob - what are you thinking?!
Bern, I take it you have read the blog of one Winston Smith, winner of Orwell Prize 2010 for blog of year?
If not here he is, enjoy!!!!! made me chuckle! Not all charities are well managed, Bob, and the chances are that many of the workers in poorly run charities are ex-social workers/public sector workers. I speak as one who knows. The mantras of (badly thought through) inclusion and targets are inherited from the public sector, who wouldn't know how to manage services if given a manual with chocolate on it. Good charities - and there are many - are well run - better than they used to be when I used to get irritated by their lack of business acumen and drivers of niceness and pseudo-warmth. In recent years the clever charities have employed people (liike me!) who can understand the business and increase profits which can be run back into services and used to attract more "business" in the form of services that actually meet the needs of society and the individuals. It works when it is done well - when people simply blog about it and whinge nothing changes.