I think it's about time I chimed in on this one. I've never had a problem with Somerfield staff, no-one among them has ever been rude to me there, or refused to serve me, and I find the site very comfortable in terms of access, and also very pleasent as it is near the beautiful Saint Mary area with the flowers and trees, and opposite Pencester, with the green lawns and more trees and flowers.
I know that there is at least one security guard on duty at all times, isn't there any cctv in-store recording that has picked up this unfortunate theft?
Was in there on Friday, and there were over a hundred people shopping. There were three tills manned. And Alexander, people who want to pig out on cream cakes rarely rob tills. Most likely the money went on weed or coke.
Mind you, now I come to think of it, I would not give kids any sort of coke. Full of caramel which, if you have a hyperactive child, you will know, sets them off on a bout of hyperactivity which can last hours. This from bitter experience.
Diana, may-be the person used the money to pay the rent!
May-be some back-payments!
I paid the rent this morning, and when I did so, I simply gave up the idea of going into Somerfield, so I'll go to Iceland instead, and get a four pinter of milk.