Here is a link to the IMF summary report. This summary is 195 pages, happy reading.
What you will notice is that the UK is one of only 5 countries out of 27 forecast a negative growth for next year (-0.4%)
Japan was mentioned, but next year unlike us they can be expected to grow 0.5%. As a trading nation specialising in highly cyclical goods it is hardly surprising that they contracted more than us last year.
Germany, the same really applies to them of course, the car industry is significant to them and being hampered by the Euro they have suffered pretty badly.
Spain are worse than us next year but did a lot better in previous years (including this) and therefore compared to us are in a much better position.
The fifth one, of course, is indeed Italy, but then they have always been an economic basket case and the Euro again is damaging them very badly.
To conclude, on this one measure of national output, in the latest figures only two nations in the world, taken over a three year period to encompass the peak to the end of recession, have done worse than the UK. That is Italy and Germany. You must look at this over this kind of time period because each copuntry enters recession, and emerges, at different times. It is not like a flock of birds all turning and weaving at the same time.
The world economy in fact is expected to grow 1.9% in 2010 when we have negative growth of -0.4%
As for 2009, this year the world economy will shrink 1.3% while the UK economy will shrink 4.1%
Why not go back further - 2008 the world 3.2%, the UK 0.7%
2007, the world 5.2% - the UK 3%
Start looking at other factors as well and we come out worse still.............
Look at it this way, consider borrowing. Brown's borrowing over the next two years will be more than the total amount borrowed by all the British Governments added together since 1613.... James 2nds reign I believe.
Add to that private debt being at record levels and poor levels of savings we are in an appalling position.
What the figures show is that yes we have a world recession but it has not hit all countries equally and some, like the UK are much more severly hit than others.
You cannot get away from the serious errors made by Brown that has made our situation a lot worse than it needs to be. I have listed these many times and range from his disasterous changes to banking regulation, to his excessive Government spending when he should have been paying off debt, to a serious flaw in his inflation brief to the bank of England. I could go on.
Just about everything Brown did was wrong, they dont call him Jonah for nothing.
oh - correction, credit where credit is due, he did do one thing right, he kept us out of the Euro.