howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
In response to Jeff's request it seems that toilets are something planned for the future. 712- Registered: 5 Mar 2011
- Posts: 10
Just to clear something up.......Dover Town Team as an entity has no responsibility for any public toilets and plays no role in the ownership or maintenance of Dover's public loos or the toilet tissue to be found, or not, therein.
A member of Dover Town Team is part of DCA, another is a Town and District Councillor and owner of Pebbles CiC which runs the Eastcliff toilets on the seafront and a third is a local hotelier and District Councillor.
Guest 1906- Registered: 2 Nov 2016
- Posts: 14
Prepared to bet original toilets at Maison Dieu will close and replacement will not materialise. Community toilets not the answer- Macdonald's upstairs, difficult for disabled and Macaris no longer display sign. Not publicised either except at Town Hall noticeboard.
Jan Higgins- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,823
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
Noticed a while back that the badge in Macari's window had disappeared but the DTC website still shows them as one of 3 businesses signed up to the scheme which very few know about. Any visitors to the town would assume that "Community Toilet Scheme " was something for us locals only. My betting is that this subject will continue to raised on here on Remembrance Sunday, VE day and every other event/service until our leaders actually decide to do something such as getting more keys cut rather than pass the buck between themselves.
Button- Location: Dover
- Registered: 22 Jul 2016
- Posts: 3,035
I agree with both post 5 above and Cpt Haddock's post in the St George's Day thread when he advocated Councillors at all levels 'going back to basics'. Look, you people who want my vote, you're making yourselves look silly - I don't want to know who isn't responsible for convenient facilities, I want to know who is; may we have a bit of johned-up thinking please.
And you volunteer and CIC chaps - thanks for your efforts but it's not a lot of use to me if I don't know where you are or when you're open.
So, joint communique please of what loos are where, when they're open, how much does it cost to spend a penny, and are disabled facilities included; plus confirmation that each facility is sign-posted.
Brian Dixon, howard mcsweeney1 and Jan Higgins like this
(Not my real name.)
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Public will not come to Dover if there are no public toilets open and this why some of us go to Deal on a Sunday.
Guest 1862 likes this
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
The Pebbles CIC toilets are open from April to October, not sure of the hours but there are disabled facilities and a small charge for use.
Button likes this
Guest 1694- Registered: 24 Feb 2016
- Posts: 1,087
Button Post #6. I posted #2 because on at least 2 posts on another thread Town Team had been identified as an organisation, or confused with organisations, that are responsible for running Dover's public conveniences and I wanted to be clear that they are not.
Biggin Hall & toilets now owned by Dover Community organisation [formerly Maison Dieu Rd]. The toilets here are funded by DTC but use DDC cleansing contractor. As to when they are supposed to be open, I don't have the faintest.
Howard correctly identifies Pebbles CIC toilets and the period over which they are open in post #8. I suspect that they are open from about 9am every day during that period and close in the early evening.
It wouldn't go amiss for those who actually are responsible for Dover's public conveniences to publish a schedule of when they are open, a bit like this:,-Streets--Parking/Transport--Streets/Public-Toilets.aspxhoward mcsweeney1 likes this
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
You can schedule the hours they are open but you cannot schedule the hours you wish to use them
Button- Location: Dover
- Registered: 22 Jul 2016
- Posts: 3,035
Post 9: brilliant, thanks for that Mr W (and DDC website)! Looks like I have a couple of options then but yes, a consolidated list would be even better to save me rushing off in the wrong direction when I seek for sure relief!
(Not my real name.)
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
Going by Neil's link the toilets were open yesterday but won't be for Remembrance Sunday in November. All credit to Fountains for making things so clear.
Andy B- Location: dover
- Registered: 10 Nov 2012
- Posts: 1,746
The problem when shops offer their facilities they are often abused by the wrong-uns.I think i might have mentioned in a previous post a friend of mine used to have a cafe and was happy to offer the toilets to whoever needed to use them and not just his customers.Once the local scumbags got to know they would go in there to inject themselves and leave needles on the floor and all kinds of mess.This is why some shops may be reluctant.
Jan Higgins likes this
Guest 1906- Registered: 2 Nov 2016
- Posts: 14
Howard, the DDC website does indeed show the toilets open from 1 April but I can assure you they were firmly closed yesterday. Had to use Macdonald's. Also perhaps Neil should contact Environmental Health Office at DDC directly as it is they who are giving out incorrect info about Town Team.
howard mcsweeney1 likes this
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
seems to be a bog standerd cock up.who ever operates them,need to get there act together.
Jan Higgins likes this
Guest 782- Registered: 4 Oct 2012
- Posts: 357
Leaping to the defence of DCA. The District Council sold Biggin Hall to DCA. The public toilets are way beyond their service date but they are open only because DTC have funded them, but they cost £30k to run in the last year and there is a shortfall in the funding. Perhaps DTC should be thanked for a change!
They are not open on Sundays. The reason predominately is captured in the photos. This is what Monitor and now I have to put up with most weeks, but it was found to be much worse on a Sunday when there are fewer people about generally.
If the organisers of the event felt that the toilets available at the Town Hall, Maison Dieu House and McDonalds were not enough, then they could have asked for the Biggin Hall toilets to be opened. They didn't and so they weren't.
We are working very hard in conjunction with DDC and DTC to get the new toilets built. Plans are drawn and planning permission will be sought very soon. We may even have enough money already to build them too.
Jan Higgins- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,823
That is disgusting no wonder they are closed, I know Charlton Centre had a similar problem with the druggies.
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Guest 1831- Registered: 1 Sep 2016
- Posts: 395
So how will the above shown in #16.
Be solved by the toilets being built in the Riverside Centre Gardens?
With the elderly members of our Community having to look at it all.
Moving one problem to another at great expense and muddle.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
Thanks for your post Simon which pointed out that DTC did not ask for the toilets to be open for the event. Did anyone know that the Maison Dieu House and the Town Hall toilets were open to the public on the day? Sorry that anyone has to witness stuff shown in your photos and wish DCA well in the planned new build.
Button and Guest 782 like this
Guest 782- Registered: 4 Oct 2012
- Posts: 357
#18 refers
There is no muddle.
The elderly have nothing to fear and the people needing a decent toilet have everything to gain.