Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
I have already put this on the UKIP page but I would like to hear what you have to say about it.
Yes we have a Conservative District Council,and they have been there along time,but are they real Conservatives with the kind of money that a real Conservative would have?and I do not think they have,some might be well off or even rich but that does not make a real good Conservative, most good blues have the family back up and names to go with it,do ours have that?,sorry it is a no to that...
If Dover is to move on then it is only the Conservatives that can do that,but real ones who will put their own cash into the town just like Folkestone have now they have areal Conservative and one that will put his own funding into the Town.
Lets take avery close look at the word Conservative as in the The Chambers Dictionary.Back soon.
Guest 693- Registered: 12 Nov 2009
- Posts: 1,266
Playing with fire, again, Vic? I expect you will receive some fairly pointed comments in reply! I am a little intrigued as to why you think only Conservatives have money. It would be interesting to know how many Labour/Lib Dem MPs went to Harrow or Eton - and I don't think too many out of Blair, Brown, Mandelson, Milliband D, Millband E or Straw will be interred in paupers graves where their time comes...........
True friends stab you in the front.
Jan Higgins![Jan Higgins](/assets/images/users/avatars/701.jpg)
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,833
Are you saying that to be a true Conservative in Dover you have to have come from 'old money' and plenty of it???????
If so Vic, with respect I think you are talking rubbish.
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
OK The word Conservative ,tending to support the preservatation of established views, customs,institutions.
A person belonging to or supporting the political party which favours the preservation of existing institutions and seeks to promote free enterprise,looking at our great town of Dover and the town centre would you think that is all true of our DDC.?
Now lets move on to the word conserve=To keep in a whole, safe or undamaged state,to retain, to preserve.
Again do you think they are doing that to our town,what we need is real Conservatives not ones that play at being one.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
OK The word Conservative ,tending to support the preservatation of established views, customs,institutions.
A person belonging to or supporting the political party which favours the preservation of existing institutions and seeks to promote free enterprise,looking at our great town of Dover and the town centre would you think that is all true of our DDC.?
Now lets move on to the word conserve=To keep in a whole, safe or undamaged state,to retain, to preserve.
Again do you think they are doing that to our town,what we need is real Conservatives not ones that play at being one.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Andy I am looking at only Dover not the UK and only at the council and the members on it.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Jan thank you for your post that is what I am asking for ,supporting the blues or voting for them or even being in the party does not make that person a true blue, I was in the blues at one time as a worker but that did not make me a true blue with the cash behind me to be one of them.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
you will get some impassioned posts on this one vic.
the only connected family amongst our members would be the wadsworth-smiths of balham, as for money i can only think of blue barry as having truck loads of dosh.
cannot see him being a philanthropist though.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
Conservatives (or members of any other party) can't put their own money into projects, they wouldn't be allowed to.
It's a nonsense thread Vic. may as well delete it.
What a pile of old tosh from one who is hell bent on reaching a certain level of postings regardless of how meaningless they are, and/or has nothing better to do.
My dad, for example, voted Labour all his life until Callaghan ruined the country. The ONLY alternative to more mismanagment of the UK by Labour was to vote Conservative and so he did.
Vic, you need to take a holiday mate, sooner the better methinks.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Again Mr Perkins I am talking about the D.D.C. not the UK. But thank you for your post,as for the holiday that will have to wait.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
I'M with Roger on this one, your talking tosh
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Again thank you for your post Keith, lots think I do that, I am not upset by it.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
a bit much to call it tosh, vic is entitled to post his views.
sometimes they seem to be a bit outlandish, always get a response though as is proved here, eleven replies in less than an hour of the original post.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
At no time did I say that any cllr should put his or her own money into Dover.What I said to be a real true blue you need to have alot of real cash of your own, and in having that you can be of great help to the Town if you put some of it into the town again just like Folkestone.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i can only think of roger de haan in folkestone, is he a blue though?
Howard, my view is Vic is talking tosh. That opinion is as valid as the tosh Vic posts.
I seem to recall Roger de Courcey oops, Haan being a true YELLOW.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
If he is Mr Perkins the Yellows and the blues are as one at this time.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
I have to ask whether Vic actually knows what a Conservative (as opposed to conservative) actually is?
Daft, plain daft.
BarryW, Vic's formula is simple now I've thought some more about it:
1. Conservatives - only for rich old duffers who hate change. Imagine!!!
2. Labour - only for the poor working class. Rich lefties need not apply.
3. LibDems - for the middle earth folks who like a bit of trendy leftism, wrapped up in safe right wing policies.
4. UKIP - only for those with a myopic loony outlook on Europe.
5. Green - first time voters only
6. MRLP - Vic's next party
Unemployed have no value in this scheme, cannot be attributed to a particular party and don't vote of course.