CXIV. 12 October 1557

12 October 1557. 

Know all men by the presents that we, Alice Gcyllcs, widow, lately wife of Robert Geilles, senior, formerly of the town of Dover, deceased, James Justice, Robert Geilles, and John [May], of the town and port of Dover aforesaid, in the county of Kent, mariners, are bound and firmly pledged to Henry Harwood, of the town and port of Dover aforesaid, sub-bailiff there, for ^^loo good and legal English money, to be paid to the said Henry Harwood or his certain attorneys, heirs, executors, or assigns, on the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist next after the date of the presents, for the good and faithful payment of which we firmly pledge ourselves, and any one of us by himself, our heirs, executors, and administrators, for the whole sum and in cash by the presents. 

In witness whereof we, the aforesaid Alice, James, Robert, and John May, have affixed our seals to this our present deed. 

Given on the twelfth of the month of October in the fourth and fifth years of the reigns of our Lords Philip and Mary, by the grace of God King and Queen of England, Spain, France, Austria, Flanders, Sicily, Jerusalem, and Ire land, etc 

Two red seals remain. 

In dorso : 

The condition of this obligatione is shuche, that wheras one William Geylles is nowe prisonerc, and within the Kinge and Quenes majesties prisone within the towne and porte of Dovor, under the custodye of the within-named Henry Harwood, and condempned to dye by the order of the lawe ffor a sartyn morther by him comyted and done, yffe the said William GevHes doe bye come trewe prisonerc. and also maick his personalle appcarauncc by fore the Mayer and Juratis of the said towne and porte of Dovor when soe ever he shall be required therunto or called fore, there to maick aunser or suffer shuche condiu;nc punishment as to him shall be adjudged by the said Maior and Jurats, and yff all so the within-bownden Alice, James, Robert, and John Maye, theyir heyires, executors, or assinges, or anye of them doe at all tyme and tymes hence forth save and keppe harmeles the said Henrye Harwood, his heyirs, executors, and administrators, and everye of them of and ffrom all maner of indempnitates, losses, vexationes, or trobles, escappes, or other waves whiche maye or shall ensue con serning the said William Geylles, or any escape by him to be made, that then this present obligatione to be voyd and of none ef^ecte, orels to stande and remayne in his full streynght, power, and virtu.
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