16 March 1556.
Phylype and Marye, by the grace of God Kynge and Quene of Englande, ffraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Irelande, Defendours of the Faith, Prynces of Spayne and Cycill, Archdukes of Austria, Dukes of Myllane, Burgundy, and Brabant, Counties of Haspurge, ffleunders and Tiroll. — To all Archbusshoppis, Busshoppis, Archedeacons, Parsons, Vycars, Curates, and all other ecclesiasticall Mynisters and to all Maiours, Sheriffes, Justices of the Peaxe, Bayllieffes, Churchewardens, Masters and Wardens of ffellowshippes, companies and occupacions, and all other our officers, Mynisters, and lovinge subjectes — Creating. Where ours the Quenes late ffather, and Brother, of famous memorye Henry theight, and Edward the Sixte, Kinges of this Realnie, and we our selfFes also pytyinge the greate nombere of shipwrackes that daylie happened about the narrowe seas uppon the coaste of thys our Realme, for want of convenient porte and harborough for the succour of suche vesselles as were occasioned eyther to trafficque or seke refuge in those partes, and tenderinge also the suretie and benefitt of our hole Realme, and namely of our towne and marches of Calleis, have heretofore caused greate and excessyve sommes of Treasure to be bestowed uppon the makinge of a Peere or Molle into the sea at our Toune and Porte of Dovor, whiche albeit it hath hitherto been a good harboroughe and proved to greate purpose for the safegarde of dyvers both of our lovinge subjectes and others, yet is it never the lesse brought nowe to suche decaye throughe the greate quantity of beache and peoberle stones that hath been by violence of the sea dryven into the same, and the peere there so torne and broughtc to ruyne by rage of the stormes and tempestes that hath hapjxned of late, as yf speedy Remedy be not therin provyded the hole charges heretofore spx:nte there uppon is like very shortlye utterlye to be loste and caste awaye, and that harboroughe therebye made altogether unable hereafter to recey ve eny shippe or vessele of chardge, which, yf it shuldc comme to passe, were like to turne not oncly to the daunger and perile of all suche both of our lovinge subjectes and others as trafficque and use those seas, But also to the greate losse, hindrance and delaye of our hole Realme. fforasmuche therefore as the Mayour, Jurates, and Commonaltie of our saide Towne and Porte of Dovour, tenderinge the weale of them selffes and benefitt of suche as shall resorte to the saide harboroughe, have devysed a meane not onely to prevent thiese inconvenience and amende the saide Porte, but also to make suche a sure and commodyous havon there as beinge broughte to perfeccion shall turne to the generall benefitt and ease bothe of our hole Realme and of suche also as shall resorte to thesame. The platte of whiche dev\ .' hath been shewed unto us, and is very like yf it may be spedely followed, to be shortly broughte to good and full conclusion, towardes the furtherance whereof dyvers charitable and well disposed persons have alredy offered to geve large sommes of money, like as we can not but very well commende the good zeale that these persons seeme to beare towardes thadvancement of the commonwelth of theire countrey, whose good purpose we shall not faile also for our parte to further with our good favour and assistance, so to thende thesame maye the better and more speedily be broughte to due perfeccion. We leat you wete that for the consideraciones affbrsayde, and for the weale and suretie of our hole Realme, and benefitt of all suche oure lovinge subjectes or others as shalbe occasioned to trafficque into the saide narrowe seas, or to passe unto our Towne and Marches of Galleys, or eny other place thereaboutes on that syde, we have thought convenient, beinge thereunto humblie desired by the saide Maiour, Jurates, and Commonaltie of our saide Towne of Dovour, to graunte libertie and full lycence unto them that they maye auctoryse under theire commen seale suche persons, beinge men of honestie as they will aunswere for, to resorte unto all the partes of theis our Realme to desyre and receyve the good willes, charytie, helpe, and furtheraunce of all our lovinge subjectes towardes this good enterpryse. And do therefore not onely requyre all Archbusshoppis, Busshoppis, Archedeacones, Parsons, Vycars, Curates, and other spirituall Mynisters to exhorte and perswade our lovinge subjectes, both in theire sermons, and by all suche other meanes as they thinke convenient, to further and helpe thys so good and beneficiall a worke with theire almes and charytie, But doe also charge and commande all you our Maiours, Sheriffes, Justices of the Peaxe, BayliefFes, Con stables, Hedboroughes, and all other our Officers, Mynisters, and subjectes to whom it shall apperteyn, that you, and every of you, be aydinge, furtheringe, and assistynge unto thesaide persons so auctorysed by thesaide Maiour, Jurates, and Commonaltie of Dovour in the furtheraunce of the charge commytted unto them, helpynge them by all the beste and honest meanes ye maye to levye and gather the good wiilcs, charytie, helpe, and furtheraunce of all our saide lovinge subjectes within the Jurysdiccions, Precinctes, Rules, and Offices of you and every of you, in suche sorte as, by your wisedommes and discrecions, shalbe thoughte moste convenient.
In witness whereof we have caused these our letters of Commyssion to be sealed with our greate seale.
Witness our selffcs at Grcncwiche, the xvi daye of Marche, the seconde and thirde yeres of our relgnes.
(Per ipsos Regem et Reginam, etc. Marten).
This Charter is in duplicate^ one perfect seal, and one broken seal, remain.