8 April 1556.
To ALL THOSE to whome these presenc shall come To be sene, Redd, or Herde, We the Maior, Jurates, and Comynaltye of the Kinges and Quenes Majesties towne and port of Dovor, in the County of Kent, Send deue com mendations and gretinge to all and every to whome in this case it may or shall appertayne, That, where as yt hathe so pleasyd the Kinges and Quenes Majesties of their BountyfuU goodnes to grawnte unto us the said Maior, Jurates, and Commynaltye Their Majesties tender Com myssion, under their greate sealle, to Levie and gather the Charytye, Helpe, and ffurtherance of all their Majesties Lovynge Subjectes Towardes the makinge and buylldinge of A haven At, and thorowghe, the said towne and porte of Dovor, in suche fforme and sorte as yt appearithe By the platt thereof made, whiche we sende unto you and every of you, together wythe the said Commyssion to be Sene, Redd, and perusyd, by the Berers hereof, whyche thinge Done and Browght to shuche perfection, as we Intend by God's grace, withe your good hellpes, to bringe to passe, wylbe not onely for the Benefycyall Wellthe of this Holle Reallme of England, ye town of Callis, and ye marshes of ye same, But also ffor AH others as tradethe and travaquythe the Narrowe Sease. In Consideration, whereof we the said Maior, Jurates, and Comynaltye of the sayde towne and port of Dovor Have Chosen, Electid, appoyntid and Actorisid, and by these presence doe appointe and Actorise, Our wellbelovid in Christe, John Harris and Thomas Dawx, of the said towne and port of Dover, ye one and every of them, to levy, gather, and receve All shuche some and somes of money as shalbe yeoven, collectid, and gatherid together, of all ye Kinges and Quenes Majesties subjectes, where they or any of them shall happen to come, To ye said meritorious woorke and goode deade, By Inventory Indentid and subscribid by ye hed officers where it shalbe so Levied, whereby it may appcarc unto yc Kingcs aiul Queues Majesties, and yc hoiicral>lc Cownccll, not onely what some and somes of money shalbe so collectid and gathered, But allso what goodwills and zealles their highnes subjectcs berithe towardes ye furtherans of ye said good purpose, being for ye common wellthe of ye holle reallme and ail other yt travaquethe and tradethe the same by these presenc.
In witness, whereof we ye said Maiour, Jurates, and Comynalty have to these presenc caused our common sealle to be affixed.
Datid at Dovor aforesaid the viij. of April! In the second and thirde yeare of ye rainges of our soverainges Phillippe and Mary, by ye grace of God King and Quene of Ingland, ffranc, Naples, Jcrusallem, and lerland, Defenders of the faythe, Princis of Spayne and Cicill, Archdukes of Austria, Dukes of My Hen, Borgony, and Brabant, Countes of Apzuge, fflaunders, and tyroll.