3 September 1557.
This indenture witnesscth that Adrian White, Mayor of the Town and Port of Dover, in the County of Kent, Stephen Anderson, John Gnaipps, Thomas Andrew, and Richard Milles, Chamberlains of the said town, with the unanimous assent and consent of the whole Commonalty of the same, have delivered, granted, and at fee ferm demised to Edmund Whitte, of the town of Dover aforesaid, yeoman, the whole of that our little tenement, in which indeed John L^wrance, tailor, now dwells, situated, lying, and being within the Liberty of the Town of Dover aforesaid, between the doorway of the messuage of the aforesaid Adrian to the east, and the doorway of the cellar of the aforesaid Adrian Whitte to the west, etc. : to have and to hold the aforesaid small tenement with all its appurtenances to the aforesaid Edmund Wliitte, his heirs and assigns, from the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary last past before the date of the presents, from year to year one after the other, to the end and term of the ninety-nine years next following so fully completed : on doing therefor the service of our Lords the King and Queen and their successors when it shall befall according to the custom of the town and port of Dovor : and also on giving and paying therefor annually to the Mayor and Chamberlains of the said town for the time being, at the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 6d. for an annual rent : and if it happen that the said annual rent of 6d. be in arrear at the aforesaid feast on which it should be paid, in part or in whole, beyond the aforesaid term for the space of fifteen days, then it shall be lawful for the Mayor and Chamberlains of the town aforesaid for the time being to re-enter, re-have, and peacefully enjoy, as in its pristine estate, the aforesaid tenement with all its appurtenances, into whomsoever's hands it may have come, and to totally expel and remove the said Edmund and his assigns therefrom, this present indenture notwithstanding.
In witness whereof as well the common seal of the town aforesaid as the seal of the aforesaid Edmund are alternately affixed.
Given on the third day of the month of September in the years fourth and fifth of the reigns of the Lords Philip and Mary, by the grace of God King and Queen.