Brian Dixon
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
if sue had her way it would be full of blue rince wrinklys on a jolly feeding the ducks in the fountain and doing the ocky cocky up the high street.

howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i rather like the idea of the hokey cokey down the high street brian.
not so sure about the ducks though, the people who fight there on a fri/sat night, might be distressed by the quacking.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
the drunks would fink you were quackers lol
Sue - why don't we have a vibrant shopping centre?
Brian Dixon
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
rather have the ducks in the fountain.keeps the old grannies happy along with the grand kids.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,024
Dave 1,How to attract the masses .Well condense the shopping into a smaller area back towards the Market Square .Get all the owners of the empty shops to get their act together and clean up their properties .Encourage the owners of flats above these properties to let them .DDC are working towards this but more cooperation is needed .Get the street scene cleaned up .Fine those who drop litter on the spot .
Police need a greater presence .Sitting at bus stops in Pencester is not always pleasant .Those dreadful Bill boards should be banned quite dangerous at times .WE need a stronger Chamber of Commerce .Shop assistants shoud go on a Customer Care Course .
A sense of Pride is needed and should be encouraged through the schools .Dover residents need to show more respect for those who try to do their best for the town .Politics out of the Town Council
If all these thing s were achieved then more people would appreciate the positive things we have in our towm .All the time you have people sitting outside pubs well oiled by lunch time ,litter ,and not all but shop assistants who are not really interested in serving you people will not come to our town .
When you go to some towns people ask are you visting for the day ?,can we help you etc etc .
PRIDE is what is needed .You are not getting that.I see a lot waiting for a bus . All councillors DDC and TC need to walk about a bit more mix with the residents not come up with schemes and expect everyone to full into agreement .
By the way Come to the Cabinrt meeting on Mondat 11.00am at the Town Council offices not Whitfield .Listen form your opions
DT1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 15 Apr 2008
- Posts: 1,116
Some good points Sue.
11:00am on a Monday, wonderful. I'm sure it could be attended by the 'well oiled lunchtime crew' you mention, them and the retired! Is this representative of the demographic?
What the hell is 'lazy speech'? And as for holding doors and general polite behaviour, I find your generation the worst of all, demanding respect without reciprocation, grunting through their dentures as they push past you in M&S.
Just Imagine trying to get from Cannon Street to King street through a crowd .In the next few weeks more evidence will come to light to convey a Sreen in Market Square is in the wrong place .
You know what Sue. I would love to get a crowd like the one in the picture in Dover. Perhaps then the big stores who avoid Dover like a dose of the plague might just reconsider coming and generating much needed regeneration in Dover aswell as tourism and people spending their money here. The screen isn't even up and running yet, but the usual cynical crew are there already slating it. No wonder Dover gets left behind. Sometimes you have to move with the times, not stay in the past.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,024
DT1 Speak for yourself /Dentures indeed .I have just spent £186 0n one filling and a check up .Trouble with a lot of the younger generation and I must not generalize .The pace of life is fast ,and instant .No one wants to wait and hold doors pass the time of day .Too busy achieving what .?
Mandie I have it on good authority screens are not the answer .Not going to be outside your house is it .So why impose it on people who bought their properties with good intent .No search would have threwn that up .I just dont think its fair to inflict something on people for all those hours of the day .
When the fountain goes and the planters there will be an uproar
Back to my post DT1.I think the older generation deserve some respect and its your kind of nonsense which makes Dover the place it is .
Lazy speech what is this See your latter and ok mate business and yer .Ta so i could go on .
Mandie I have it on good authority screens are not the answer .Not going to be outside your house is it .So why impose it on people who bought their properties with good intent .No search would have threwn that up .I just dont think its fair to inflict something on people for all those hours of the day .
It didn't matter about the residents when the pubs were allowed to be set up down there did it??? Or the licences handed out for late night take-aways. Strange how one thing is acceptable but another isn't. I ceratinly wouldn't mind the screen being put up near my house in all honesty, but I somehow don't think tucked up in the Hamlets would have been an appropriate site when what is trying to be acheived is bringing people into town to spend money etc, but then I guess that is just typical, let's just drive everything and everyone out of Dover and have done with it. I certainly don't think that DT1 and his "nonsense" as you call it makes Dover what it is. I could think of a much better direction to be looking in to see the people who enjoy poo-pooing every thing Dover tries to do. As for the fountain, it's boarded up more times than it is up and running.
DT1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 15 Apr 2008
- Posts: 1,116
I'd agree things have got faster and I'm not sure why so many need to dash around. I'd also agree that the older generation does deserve respect, but then so does everyone (including the younger generation) So often I hold the door for the older generation (and for some reason it always seems to be M&S) and am ignored, with no smile, no thankyou. The thing is these people are not in a rush so there is no excuse, these things work two ways.
As for speech, language changes, evolves, sometimes into things we do not personally like, it's interesting how you have spelt 'generalize' don't you think? Towns centres and trends also evolve, it's just a shame conservative types resist change (but not spell check), causing stagnation.
Just to add, I say 'see you later' and 'ok mate' but do not see this as being lazy! I personally find your lack of punctuation and 'lazy writing' more offensive.
Respect also means respectng culture, which includes language and nuance. My own perception, for what it's worth, is that Dover and its reps think it is one big club for the cognescenti and sod the rest. Sue - your ideas are good!! Spoiled, though by the arrogance with which they are presented and the assumptions made. People who buy houses/flats in the middle of a town cannot claim to be surprised or dismayed when the town becomes busier - God forbid!!!!
If you are going to be arrogant at least present it properly and do a spell check.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,024
Sorry if my punctuation and lazy writing is not up to your standard .
I did not think I was sitting for an English test .I must check my words next time .
I will now retire to the corner and write I must do better
I m sure if you were to speak with me you would find my English better .
Mandie I did not agree with 24 hour drinking and I was not on the committee who allowed all these people to drink outside .I think the No smoking ban has brought more drinkers into the street scene . .
I really must try harder with my speech .
If you are going to be critical of how people speak, how can you be surprised when they are critical of how you write?
Brian Dixon
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
sue,belive me when i say this the chamber of comerse is and will be stronger than just wait and for the fountain and planters i consider them a waste of space,if the fountain isnt foaming at the mouth the planters are allways being vanderlised.all people can be rude at times old and young.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
the real issue is whether we move forward, try something new(the screen is only a start), or continue with the decay and stagnation.
the issue of people buying property in market square to gain peace and quiet is absurd.
Guest 675- Registered: 30 Jun 2008
- Posts: 1,610
I have noticed a very interesting discrepancy here concerning the 'big screen'. On the forums it is treated like a descending god that will save Dover all on its own and woe betide anyone that says anything against it. Some of the attacks being quite personal and never getting beyond, "big telly good criticism bad" without looking beyond the chance to stand and watch football with a can of beer in hand. Away from the forum, whenever it comes up in conversation, in the street, in shops or in pubs, I have not found many in favour the more usual response being, "that bl@@@y thing". I would stress that I do not ever start such conversations as I am too aware of the impression that you are supposed to think of it as the best thing since the discovery of fire.
I do hope that, now we are getting it, it does achieve all the miracles that seem to be expected of it but still think that the winners will be limited to the off-licence sales in the supermarkets.
Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong.
Richard Armour
Brian Dixon
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
chris dont forget the sliced bread.
I don't think it is about expecting miracles Chris. I certainly don't think the screen will be able to solve all Dovers problems or re-generation, but we do however have to be open to change and potential improvement. If the screen turns out to be a disaster at least Dover can say it tried.. There is nothing worse than to reject something and then find it to have been succesful elsewhere. I would hate for Dover to be standing there thinking "IF ONLY".
I have alreadybeen approached about using it for Carnival day and before as advertising so we shall have to see how things go.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
my post(no.36) sums up what most in favour of the screen are thinking.
no-one one is claiming that it is the answer to all of dovers problems.