howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
11 February 2010
tom and jerry were being picked on back in the seventies over the level of violence and the effect on our offspring.
the complainants never realised that most tom and jerry fans were adults.
that reminds me, i must drop an anvil on someone first thing tomorrow.
11 February 2010
Look at the state of him now! On the left, the highly amusing character with a sense of proper menace and packed with naughty behaviour that most of us remember. And on the right, after his soul has been raped by the politically correct police, all we're left with is a "cute" almost Disney-fied mockery of the once-colourful character.
I'll let a couple of other famous characters say what we all think of this PC trash......
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
11 February 2010
22:0540379Nice one Rick
Guest 690- Registered: 10 Oct 2009
- Posts: 4,150
12 February 2010
13:5840397Great stuff Rick. Don`t forget one of the roughest, and longest running of them all, Popeye. He was certainly about in WW2, sinking Jap battleships in one episode.
Tell them that I came, and no one answered.
12 February 2010
16:3440406The neutering of those old characters is nothing to do with "PC" - so let's not start bashing the "politically correct" or the "do-gooders". The alternative is politically incorrect (think Stalin) and the do-badders (think people who fail to lift a finger even when they know women or kids are being abused in the semi next door.) It is all about eejits who think they have to follow some sort of line or be sued - it is about ambulance chasing lawyers and those who feed off the culture of compensation.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
12 February 2010
17:3340411So Bern who would sue a DC Comics just because Dennis the Menace gets slippered for firing his catapult at his teacher.
Sorry but this is PC - full stop, its pandering to the soft wooly headed weirdos who want a bland, no risk, no offense world.
12 February 2010
21:4440441I'm afraid it is ALL about bashing the politically corect and do-gooders. If they left simple childish pleasures alone the world would be a better place. Jo Stalin was not the product of a kids comic, he was the product of an extreme leftwing thought process. Just a bit more leftist than Gordie, Red Ken, that old bloke who was a scruff, can't remember his name, Wedgy Benn, Scargill etc.
As for women and kids being abused next door, well that shouldn't be happening now we've had Enid Blyton books banned in our schools. Of course that last sentence is utter rubbish, but no more so than linking that sort of behaviour to the Beano or Dandy characters.
12 February 2010
21:5640443Who is "they" who have forced DC comics to neuter their characters? I am not linking the behaviours you mention to the Beano, you tit!!! I am simply pointing out that Political Correctness is not the bad guy! Political incorrectness is always going to be bad - and it is about time people stopped blaming Politcal Correctness for everything that is wrong with society. Because of PC we no longer send kids up chimneys. Because of PC women have a vote. Because of PC black men women and chlidren are full members of society. Because of PC people with disabilities have less prejdice to contend with (we still have a way to go o that!!) Are you telling me that those things are wrong? Because people sometimes get carried away and try to amend what doesn't need amending doesn't make all the other amendments wrong. Don't misquote me to confirm your prejudices thank you!!
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
12 February 2010
21:5840444very amusing sid, joe stalin just a bit more left wing than our PM.
loved the red ken and wedgy benn bit, brought back memories of 30 years ago when people spoke like that.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
12 February 2010
22:2340448You are using a smokescreen there to obscure the plain idiotic nasty fascism that rests behind political correctness Bern. There was a time when it was politically correct in Germany to bait the Jews and murder them....
PC is the enemy, it is a huge problem and make no mistake I delight on NOT being politically correct at every opportunity.
An no that is nothing to do with sending kids down mines or up chimneys.
Guest 641- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 2,335
12 February 2010
22:5640450Bern, to say that kids being sent up chimneys, women getting the vote, racial discrimination, prejudice against the disabled etc is PC is in my view incorrect, PC is something new brought to us within the last fiftteen years. I feel it is a stain on today's society and slowly destroying the fabric of our well-being.
12 February 2010
23:2840456Political correctness IS the "bad guy" ... it is very much the bad guy. It is "PC" that puts ideas out there that says the old song "Baa Baa Black Sheep" is a racist song; that "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" is reinforcing prejudice stereotypes of the vertically-challenged; that Tom and Jerry glorifies violence; that Laurel and Hardy are subversive homosexuals because they innocently share a bed in a couple of movies; that to offer an opinion on immigration makes you "racist"; that Christmas Carol services should be either banned or re-configured in order not to offend the local Muslims; shall I go on?
PC has assaulted our values, corrupted innocent material, and made everyone politically hypersensitive and ready to attack just about anything that can have the "PC" template applied to it in any form whatsoever. It has divided communities (mainly where immigration is an issue), suppressed valued and valid opinions and free speech, and forced self-imposed censorship through fear among commentators and editors (see Dennis the Menace above). PC is a huge blight on culture, festering in a well of intellectual rot and spreading nothing but paranoia and ill will.
It has nothing - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - to do with the politics of social injustice, of women getting the right to vote or kids the right to education rather than being crammed up chimneys. It has nothing to do with fascist regimes murdering Jews or Stalinist oppression. PC has everything to do with forcing the social mindset into an ultra-socialist brainwashed state where nothing can be criticized, spoken against, insulted, offended, or otherwise challenged. And that is wrong. That, my friends, is its own form of fascism. You could call it "mental fascism" or "intellectual fascism", like having "mind police" that have an agenda based on making our views narrow and our fears strong so that we don't speak out. Like everything, it is about control.
The Dennis the Menace comic isn't to blame for this - it is as much a victim of PC as the rest of us. Clearly the editors feared some form of comeback if the showed Dennis being threatening and bullying, but without those elements then what use is he? What's more, how on earth do kids access material that acts as a vent for their inner feelings when it is all so cute and empty? What can they possibly learn from this and how will all of these PC sterilized characters shape their values for the future?
Anyone who thinks that PC is in any way right or acceptable is frankly part of the problem or they simply don't understand it.
12 February 2010
23:3440457Guest 690- Registered: 10 Oct 2009
- Posts: 4,150
13 February 2010
02:5440466As Barry W-S mentioned above, and in Rick`s essay, this is a phenomenon within the last 15 years or so, and it wants stopping in it`s tracks. Bern, there`s been alot of political incorrectness in the past, and there still is, but I think this thread is covering the subject of all that is British and traditional being destroyed, as if there`s a new population moving into Britain now, and we have to change our way of life rather than offend them. If a political correctness freak was with me now, they`d be telling me I`m racist, which is the normal one word answer with no meaning. I`ll show them some photo`s from work of coloured people I`ve worked with, and I`ll take them to Kings College hospital in London, and let all the nationalities there tell the pc person whether I`m racist. This is Britain, and I`m British, (with Irish on my mother`s side), and I don`t want to see anymore of our life and traditions lost because of faceless, politically correct brigade freaks! .... Past my bedtime...
Tell them that I came, and no one answered.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
13 February 2010
08:2040469Great postings about PC and I agree with all of them - sorry Bern; maybe it's your interpretation of PC that's against everyone else's view. What you are refering to, is not to do with PC, but social injustice that has been put right, or is being put right.
DT1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 15 Apr 2008
- Posts: 1,116
13 February 2010
10:3840477I'm with you Bern.
I think Political Correctness is largely a myyhology, used by the intolerant to be as predudice as they like. Ironic that the same people that tut when you swear in a pub..."It's ok to say things as long as I like it" (they tend to find Jim Davidson funny too!)
Also amusing that they should try to 'correct' political correctness. Surely this 'post-political correctness' is as politcally incorrect as political correctness, if that's what they really believe.
Guest 690- Registered: 10 Oct 2009
- Posts: 4,150
13 February 2010
10:4540480DT1, I`m not into politics, but we`re on a completely different subject to what Bern is. She has some good views, but they should be on a new posting. Political correctness isn`t a myth, it`s there for all to see, even me who avoids all this sort of news like the plague, (blood pressure). I suggest starting a new thread for political incorrectness, as it sounds an interesting topic.
Tell them that I came, and no one answered.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
13 February 2010
10:5840484I like Jim Davidson and yes he is funny....
13 February 2010
12:1440492DT1 - spot on and it made me chuckle too!! "Policitical correctness" is made up by people who want to halt any development around social policiy, made to confirm peoples prejudices and turn any tide of social progress. It is a myth with a made up name - social justice and pc have been deliberately muddled together to manipulate the masses - yes, that's us!! It most certainl;y WAS political correctness that stopped the slave trade, gave women the vote and stopped children going up chimneys. the other blather about baa baa black sheep is the wimpy litigigation-scared response of the under-educated and wooly social workers who are NOT the epitome of "do-gooding" as they haven;t the wit or vision to do anything other than follow the baa baa black sheep on it's path towards idiocy!
13 February 2010
14:0940499Sorry ot disagree Bern, it was social awareness and conscience that got things changed for kids andd women, nothing to do with PC at all.
As for people who swear in pubs, so what. We should be allowed to SMOKE and SWEAR in pubs if we want. They are social meeting places, not some nice sanitised sticky toffee pudding place for mums and sprogs. There are other establishments who can cater for those who want that type of socialising.
Still, the PC brigade are now marching aginst people who like to imbibe the odd draft of alcohol, so, as I always say, we should be careful for what we wish, a Sharia state in the making but no-one sees it.