13 February 2010
14:5140505SID!!! Social awareness and conscience IS political correctness. that is the point: people have subverted the phrase for their own ends! And the people who want to impact on our drinkinmg habits are NOT pc, they are meddlers! And what the pipe has Sharia Law got to do with it...?!
Guest 690- Registered: 10 Oct 2009
- Posts: 4,150
13 February 2010
15:3740510So why didn`t all this come up on the main Golliwog posting, with someone agreeing about dogooders? I`ll give up on this posting. Totally confused.
Tell them that I came, and no one answered.
13 February 2010
16:3540511Colin - don't! I get a bit irate when people seem so set against changes for the better just because sometimes people get a bit carried away or get it wrong! It can only be a good thing to "do good" - I am not sure why it would be appropriate to the golliwog posting?
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
13 February 2010
18:0940514The Golliwog postings were all about PC and how wrong it is.
PC was never around when the slave trade stopped, or when Emily Pankhust chained herself to railings; that was social change - brought about due to a political will, not Political Correctness though.
13 February 2010
19:5540515Arguing about the meaning of "PC" is as irrelevant as arguing that "gay means happy". Brass tacs time: "PC" as it stands today means the support of a diverse society by means of suppressing diverse opinions. Wikipedia describes it as "a term denoting language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social offense in gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, handicap, and age-related contexts" and dictionary.com states that it is "marked by or adhering to a typically progressive orthodoxy on issues involving esp. race, gender, sexual affinity, or ecology." So no more confusion over what it actually means. No matter what source you aim for, all the official and academic interpretations clearly state that PC is a method of social engineering based purely on the concept of forcing public opinion into a single direction. It is probably a well-meaning idea at heart but its application has been so utterly corrupt and disgracefully managed that it has become one of the darkest forces in our culture.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
13 February 2010
20:3440516most of the discussion about "political correctness" goes right over my head, i admit.
not something i can be bothered too much about, reading the posts here it means different things to different people.
not too sure that wikipedia is the source of all wisdom either.
i tend to use a lot of modern terminology so as not to upset some, also to deliberately irritate others.
i remember taking my one eyed dog for a walk one day(becaus of the hairline her 50% shortfall was not that obvious.
anyway, someone stopped me and asked me if she had just one eye, i snapped back "certainly not, just optically challenged" and stormed off.
Guest 690- Registered: 10 Oct 2009
- Posts: 4,150
14 February 2010
02:5240528Wikipedia should never be quoted, not a very reliable source of information. Howard, your second paragraph sums it up.
Tell them that I came, and no one answered.
14 February 2010
12:224056014 February 2010
12:3040562I'm struggling to see social engineering and political correctness as the same thing, so help me here please.
The introduction of the minimum wage. Was that Political Correctness or Social Engineering?
The banning of foxhunting. Was that Political Correctness or Social Engineering?
The extermination of Jews in WWII. Was that Political Correctness or Social Engineering?
The removal of the death penalty. Was that Political Correctness or Social Engineering?
Refusing an Assembly for England. Was that Political Correctness or Social Engineering?
14 February 2010
13:0540565Yes - does it have to be a choice?
14 February 2010
17:5840596It does Bern, sorry.
14 February 2010
18:1140600The point is that they are one and the same, depending on which side of the political divide you are on!
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
14 February 2010
19:2140608Not sure what you mean by "depends on which side of the political divide you are on" Bern
Surely you can't mean Red/Blue ? Labour believe in PC and Tories don't ?
14 February 2010
19:3340610Either I am becoming exceptionally bad at expressing myself (God forbid!) or everyone is wilfully misunderstanding me!!!! Historically, social policy has been, at best, social engineering (or political correctness) depending on your view. For Hitler, his social engineering was politically correct - obliterating the Jews was his goal and therefore politically sound, especially as he based a significant focus of his politics on the Spartans!!! I am exasperated that people do not understand that everything a government does - whatever government - is basic socail engioneering. And when those among us say we should encourage marriage and families, discourage single parents, whatever - that is social engineering. And your political hue will dictate which elements you support - the politically correct.
14 February 2010
20:1840622Bern, you are steering the argument so far away from PC that it is almost a totally different topic. Hitler, the slave trade, etc etc etc is NOTHING to do with PC. Political correctness is a part - a single tiny slice - of the whole social engineering mechanism. The two are not the same things. It does not depend on your view. You cannot argue that "red is blue depending on your point of view". Red is red. It's an established fact. Likewise PC is an established fact of life (unfortunately), not open to interpretation. What you are trying to express is that any political body will follow what it believes to be "correct" such as Hitler killing Jews or whatever. This is NOT "political correctness".
Political correctness is a single-minded mechanism for guiding public opinion to a specific goal in support of a diverse society. You cannot tamper with its definition. It is what it is.
I find it amazing that Wikipedia is being projected as an unreliable source. Are the dictionaries also wrong? What about answers.com, thefreedictionary.com, phrases.org.uk, deceptikons.com, dictionary.com, politicallyincorrect.me.uk, askoxford.com (a highly academic resource of the Oxford dictionary), ourcivilisation.com (describes PC as "the communal tyranny that erupted in the 1980s"), and many others I could list. They all define PC as the exact same thing. Claiming that Wikipedia has got it wrong is, frankly, clutching at straws in order to continue to live in denial of this horrific political concept.
Any political party that does what it believes to be correct is NOT "political correctness". Telling people to share a certain view or shut up is what "political correctness" is.
Anyone interested in learning more about the utter garbage that is political correctness can read some interesting stuff here:
...and for the rest of you who love PC, here's some arguments FOR it (just so I can't be accused of being unbalanced):
http://www.students.org.au/political/correctnesshoward mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
14 February 2010
wikipedia quoted something i said on their website.
i rest my case.
14 February 2010
PC is a made up phrase which means EXACTLY AND ONLY what we choose it to mean. If you choose to believe it means bad policy go ahead. But don't moan when political INcorrectness elects another duff government or decides to reinstate a policy that forces women to stay at home or blacks to work down the mines. Would you prefer to be politically incorrect, or are you so blind to the manipulation to which you have been exposed that you still can't see that the phrase politcal correctness itself is PC.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
14 February 2010
23:2540641Basically Bern, no you are not expressing yourself badly - we just disagree with you, full stop. You clearly do not see pc in the same way as, I would suggest, most people.
I detest political correctness, from the downright silly tinkering with the English language, such the use of 'chair' instead of chairman to the dangous supression of free speech. It is a basically left wing phenonemon trying to impose a particular viewpoint as a 'norm' through intimidation.
15 February 2010
00:0940645Bern help me understand please. You say, " political INcorrectness elects another duff government ", but isn't that in fact political correctness, because the majority have decided it?
I'm getting confused, and perhaps that's what the left want us to be?
15 February 2010
07:3940647The first past the post voting system has worked ok for a while, but it isn't the fairest democratic way to elect - PC will help to drive the changes needed to ensure a fairer electoral system. Or not - the political finger-in-the-wind test that politicians do will determine which PC-brigade they politicians follow. There is no black or white answer to PCness and social reform - that is part of its charm!