Guest 690- Registered: 10 Oct 2009
- Posts: 4,150
25 February 2010
21:5641395Just remembered something else I saw today. Opposite Mandys Tearooms, in that newly refurbished former indoor market, there`s a big display in the window about Buckland papermill. It takes up the equivalent of 3 small shop windows with the display. Very nice, but once you`ve seen it, that`s it. Is the display done as a tourist attraction? I remember seeing some postings on here a few month`s back about it being a recycled goods business.
Tell them that I came, and no one answered.
Guest 651- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 5,673
25 February 2010
22:2441400That was the temporary project in the old Post Office down there, the old indoor market is a rotating display that changes every few weeks.
Been nice knowing you :)
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
26 February 2010
09:1241414Better to look at a display then nothing it does look better then it did some years ago,better still if we could get it back open with shops.
Guest 651- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 5,673
26 February 2010
13:4141431I thought it was planned for demolistion with DTIZ and expect the Tax Office will pull out of Dover before long....
Been nice knowing you :)
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
26 February 2010
15:2741432Paul you can forget DTIZ it is not going to happen.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
27 February 2010
07:2141448Stop that sort of talk Vic.
27 February 2010
08:0541450Roger, I think the visual evidence is heavily on Vic's side at the moment.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
27 February 2010
09:2941452Thank you for that backup Mr Perkins.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,023
27 February 2010
10:0041453I think that posts 5 and 7 were not called for .On Wednesday 24th a Full Council Meeting was held at Whitfield .Only one member of the press there and no public .Three very important items were up for discussion .We had the presentation re The Local Development Frame work ( Planning ) How Dover could develope in the next few years .A presentation by THe Dover Harbour Board showing us why they have applied for a Revision Order and their plans for the future expansion of the port .The last item was the merger of the Housing Services with three other authorities .
The last item was deferred as we closed business at 10.05 Pm .
I object most strongly to people having a snipe at someone trying to give you information .Roger and myself were at Whitfield three nights ;last week indeed Roger had to miss out on the film show and attend at a later time .
I was in Brighton all day at a conference on Thursday where i was the Key note Speaker .
Some of us try to talk Dover up .
No good sitting on the side lines shouting .
Sid my old mate get re aquainted with Dover District .As an aside the Musuem gets a lot of coverage in the local press .
Dover District Council has the third lowest rate level in Kent .Tough decisions are having to be made all the time .
Next week we have the Aylesham expansion to discuss .
To understand all the legality very time consuming .
I dont see many rushing to be councillors for £ 60 a week .
My trip to Brighton was unpaid .
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
27 February 2010
10:1341454Sue again you keep on saying what you and the D,D,C, are doing for Dover we can all see that for our selfs by just going down to the Town the word comes to mind is not alot.
Again you do not have to do it give it up their is always someone to take your place.You can not just talk Dover up the public need to see work done not just fenceing going up around old building sites,I went round all of Dover in the last two days,it is in amess just coming in from Folkestone on the A20 it looks like it did in the war days,I will go on to say,it looked better then,but you would not know that, all we get is talk and more talk about what Dover will look like in 30years time, BUTthe same was said 20years ago and still nothing has been done apart from the talking by the council.
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
27 February 2010
1.What was decided at the above meeting?.
2.When will the DTIZ adventure commence?.
3.You state "DDC has the third lowest rate level in Kent". So what? I am sure many would say that this low rate level is producing 'low level' results and services and would gladly pay more money for better and improved services.
These are "Key note" questions
Finally no-one forced you into public life as a Councillor, it was your free decision to do so, therefore don't " snipe" (your term) at those of us on the "side lines for shouting" out(your terminology again) "what a bloody awful job you appear to be doing".
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
27 February 2010
10:2041456Marek,Your words are alot better then mine ,and you are dead right.What we need is goodworkers not good talkers.
27 February 2010
10:2741457Well Sue, my eyes obviously lie to me, not. I've been away for 2+ years and nothing much, if anything, has changed in Dover TC in that time. Well, apart from the demolition of the bus garage and a few more business closures. So, I may be standing on the sidelines shouting but that's because all that has clearly happened in my time away is jaw jaw!
Quite frankly it is time our local councillors and politicians took some decisive action and made things happen. Anyone who thinks a good job is being done needs to walk around Dover with the blindfold OFF! The town is a disgrace and showing all the signs of terminal decline. The residents and local businesses deserver better.
Meantime, take a quick peak at Ashford, Folkestone, Canterbury, Westwood Cross; all have undergone some level of transformation over the last few years, and what has Dover done? I defy anyone to list 5 major developments (outside DHB) in Dover for the workforce and/or community that have actually been completed.
Brighton trip unpaid? In the previous sentence Sue you said councillors were paid £60 per week. Not a bad deal them getting that much to talk and achieve nothing. And it's been that way for over 10 years now. Perhaps if more were actually acomplished there'd be less need for coucillors to talk until 10pm at night!
I actually think it would be a good idea for Roger to hire the open top bus and put all our councillors and Mp on it, and then drive them round Dover to see for themselves the disaster they are allowing to happen.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,023
27 February 2010
10:3441459The last two posts are a disgrace and the editor should have deleted them .Marek because we start at a low tax base the government will not allow us to raise our precept above a certain level .You cannot keep digging into reserves im sure Barry Williams will give you a definitive answer .
Absent Land lords Vic .,
Im trying to lever money in so people can improve their homes .The social housing has to be decent by 2010 which is on target and currently some of our private sector housing falls far below this .
I believe Marek i work very hard for my area .
DTIZ Important disussions took place last week Because of sensivity you can not discuss these on an open forum .
It doesnt take much to understand when you are talking compensation etc it cannot be discussed in the public arena .
.We accepted the proposald for the LDF
The DHB we are seeking that the local community gets something back and that is all of the District .
Housing in principal we will merge but some way to go as yet .
If you read the papers Marek Im one of the councillors who challenge and whether you realise it or not sometimes im heard .
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,023
27 February 2010
10:4041460Sid just read your post .
So you will work thirty to forty hours for £60 ??I dont think so .
Do you ever attend a meeting ??? NO
If people donot want to open up a businness in our town then you cannot blame the council .
I understand BHS has already pulled out of Folkestone /.
With press absent you jo public atre not aware of the debates .
I challenge VIC ,Marek any of you to persuade absent Landlords to do up their properties .
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
27 February 2010
10:4141461Marek and Mr Perkins well said and put.
Just to say Mr Perkins you could go away from Dover for ten years and when you come back it will still look the same.
Sue come over and have a cup of tea, must say if you put your self in the fireing line you will be shot at, I have alot of holes in me to.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
27 February 2010
10:5141462Well again Sue you have put your foot in it,I have done that when on the Town council and yes I did win with one landlord it was in the papers at that time you can come over and read it. Also I worked on the Mote,,,,s Bulwark site with the D,D,C, and the D.H.B and Kent highways,and Yes nothing come of that one,but still have all the paper work on it and still trying to get the site done up with the help of the castle but we will keep trying.I have only put this on because of the challenge you put in your post.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,023
27 February 2010
11:0741465Sid I shall add to this .
Gateway facility corner of Castle Street .
Bushy Ruff Cottages ,On going taslks with the owner to refurbish .
Deal Pier new Cafe .
Pier refurbished .
Old taxi rank back of Worthington Street now several housing units
Buckland Court /Bleriot Court on the Buckland Estate Extra Care and Learning disabilities.
Prince of Wales Sea Training School Building Work held up due to recession 15 new units of affordable homes
Pencester new plat area .Connaugh Park ,and Elmsvale .
Kearsney Abbet and Russell gardens new play areas .Work to commence after Easter .
New low floor buses ,Buses to Canterbury every thirty minutes
Seasports Centre .
More will spring to mind as the day passes
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
27 February 2010
posts cannot be deleted just because someone doesn't like the contents.
irrespective of who is to blame, the dtiz is a local joke.
the bus garage pulled down and that is it.
incidentally, how did the council get the low floor buses?
my understanding is that the government were responsible.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
27 February 2010
11:4141469none of that comes under D.T.I.Z. The Town is a mess and nothing is being done but talking . We do not need anymore 1or 2 bedroom flats yes to family homes.But we need to see work being done in Townwall St etc St James St as I said before it all looks like a bomb site,get working on it lets see it happing then we will be saying the thank you.When the old bus garage came down we saw in the press Cllr Coller and other cllrs there with hard hats on siting in a digger etc and all that was done just for the press now look at that site just a fence,D.D.C. need to move on with it or get out and let a new council have ago most of you have been there to long anyway.