28 February 2010
18:4841588The people of Dover want only one thing from it's leaders, movers and shakers, and that is ACTION. Of course that needs to be significant action, not the sort of stuff our Sue elucidated. Sadly, 2010 will probably be another year of disappointment.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
28 February 2010
19:0641591Mr Perkins in is good to have you back in Dover and you are again dead right with your post,next year if you are still in the town please think about standing at the next locals we need men and women that think and act not just talk.
Guest 651- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 5,673
28 February 2010
19:4141596Until the recession is over and there is more money to spend I don't think areas are going to improve no matter what colour is in power....
Just this week I have seen that 2 Starbuck have closed down, at the M20 services and Tesco at Ashford, can't be a good sign.
Been nice knowing you :)
Guest 688- Registered: 16 Jul 2009
- Posts: 268
28 February 2010
20:1541599Would it be to much to ask, now that the majority of the population of Dover are computer literate,that the meetings of the council are put on line.Perhaps there could be specific link from this site so people could get access to what has been proposed.It would add impact and engagement to the things discussed.
Guest 651- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 5,673
28 February 2010
20:3241602All agendas and minutes are put online already
http://www.dover.gov.uk/agendas/home.aspBeen nice knowing you :)
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
28 February 2010
20:5741612i thought that all agendas and minutes were online, however when i tried it took ages to download stuff, even more time to understand what went on.
i think that our local press should give more detailed reports what happens at these meetings.
Guest 651- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 5,673
28 February 2010
21:0641618Howard, I think the website itself is a safer option knowing how the local press reports things
Been nice knowing you :)
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
Since my post (number 27), there's been another 20 postings and only 3 commenting on it.
With all the grumbles about the Town and what is not being done, I'd have thought more comments would have been made about what IS being done.
If it had opened up a discussion then that would have been worthwhile - wouldn't it ?
More support, will see more done.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,023
I agree Roger ,all we have had on here is negativity .So quick to complain but not a squeak how they could alter the way things are done .
Today we hear that over 1,500 council jobs will be lost in the next five years .I have seen how DDC structure has altered over the years and not for the good .Less money and Labour keep imposing all these rerstrictions .More and more paper work ,people out there ready to sue at the drop of a hat .Every I dotted and T crossed .More responsiblities placed on local authorities with insuficient funding
CPO s can be the answer to removwe derilict properties but it takes years .I know how long that one took in Granville Street .
You cannot make shops open up in the town .If the spending power is not there .I often remark I go to Fenwicks in Canterbury and Im told its too expensive for the likes of local people ???We cannot have the big stores as there is not the money in the system .
Labour have brought on a recession and closed employment opportunities .
Education is at its worst level as thery will not leave it alone .A good system works and along comes Labour to change it so every one is at the same level .
Class war reigns and will continue all the time we have a Labour Government .
I strongly appose some of the posters who dare and I repeat dare to suggest its time for some Councillors to go .Coming from someone who is only a couple of years younger than me I think thats rich .
Im not ready to go yet and Im not for turning .
Every town is suffering My former home town shops have closed .
Sid have you seen all the new office buildings on Old Park ??The low floor buses donot go into Market Square .
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Sue sorry but we are not on about age we all know how hard you work ,but you are just one,and talking about old buildings they have been like the way they are for over 30or 40years, other towns pull them down so please do not keep on about what the D.D.C can not do, they can and should. But we need to see new face.s.All the time the public can see the Town like it is and nothing being done and I mean nothing. And the D.D.C. saying we are going to do this and that we have a 30year plan and that was said "5 years ago"by them and we are no way forward AT ALL.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,023
Just read your leaflet Vic ,not bad at all .I would say a lot of Conservative ideals there .
I cannot because of confidentiality discuss but there are movements going on and its on the Council agenda this week but not in the public domain .
I would say Bob Frost whom I know of old has said it all CUTS CUTS .We as a country are not providing wealth and have been let down by the Labour party .
I do hold a little sway from the back benches .I think its called experience .
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Thank you for that Sue why not come and join the winning team,come over and have a cupper with Lesley I have to go to a meeting at the D,D,C, office.Must say this is a very good dept up there ,i must say each time I go up there the officers are very good and know their job,but I am not talking about the planning dept.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
are you saying that as an elected representative that nobody is allowed to challenge your performance?
in your post you made two criticisms of the government.
would you think it right if the PM then complained that you do not stand for parliament?
ps. the plagiarism of thatcher in the third line from the bottom was hilarious.
Sue, Vic, David, Chris, Roger, Watty and others, I really appreciate you all taking time out of your busy days to contribute on here. I also appreciate how it must feel to believe in what you are doing but only getting sniped at for it. Unfortunately that goes with the territory, but you all know that.
As for standing at an election, my job doesn't allow me to be in Dover often enough to make that a viable option for me.
However, if I did stand it would be on a starter platform containing the following:
1. Minimum 10% reduction in DDC/DTC/Parish costs
2. Minimum 10% reduction in DDC/DTC/Parish headcount
3. Creation of Tourism Department (3 souls maximum) with a speciific and measurable and publicised brief on regenerating tourist income. This with a longer term view of getting places like the Staircase, Roman Painted House etc., open for the public at a small charge, discounted for residents who pay their Council Tax.
4. Formalisation of Roger's role as Business Development Officer, plus one assistant with a specific and measurable and publicised brief on regenerating commericial activity.
5. The taking of firm legal action against property owners who leave their assets to decay.
6. Weekly collections of refuse and fortnightly collections of recyclable materials (including plastics).
7. 20% reduction of contributions to KCC, unless KCC address their high cost base first.
8. Requirement for all registered unemployed to perform some form of social work in exchange for benefits.
9. Requirement for all hiring companies to interview a 25% quota of over 50's for vacancies.
10. Requirment for local Chamber of Trade to be more active/aggresive in their activities but supported by Council.
11. Mayoral elections to be public not private and open to the public for voting.
Now, obviously the above are off the top of my head and would require serious work to bring them to the point of being sensible policies, and I am sure they are much easier to list here than actually complete. However, the watchword would always be "ACTION" and any traditional activity leading to the stalling or delivery would be publicly challenged, or, just plain ignored.
If we are to change this town for the better then we need to be fearless, aggressive in our pursuit of improvement and also adopt a sort of Thatcherite approach to whoever wants to take our tax money off us; i.e. KCC and Central Government. So, something like the local contribution to the Police would be frozen until such times as Dover saw extra services for the extra funds being paid, which hasn't been the case for the last 5 years or so. If it doesn't benefit Dover we shouldn't pay for it.
Okay, there you have it. My tin hat is on and I am ready to deal with the ensuing flack. However, I would ask for suggestions as to how to make this possible rather that the usual "you can't do that because" stuff usually dished out by those who think they have all the answers. Let's find methods to achieve rather that reason no to do. Is that possible? We must always think and ask, and get other too as well, "Is this good for Dover". That should be the criteria of whether something gets time, effort and possibly money, or not.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,023
I thought that was a very good posting Sid .Over the years I have felt im bashing my head against a brick wall and need a hard hat .Over and over I have asked for smaller agendas not so lenghty reports ,for less meetings to discuss a meeting .
Im now off to Alkham Parish Council where they really do get stuck into doing things for themselves
I would love to get a JCB and knock down some buildings but I think the law would come down heavy on DDC if we were to force the issuie .
The legal battle is a long one .I can tell you when the lease of the Gateway Flats was taken on by the Residents of the flats it took years .
Many a consutant has had there ears bashed by me .
i recall when DDC Housing were not happy at the quality and time a certain firm was taking to install replacement windows
Much to the surprise of the DDC officers I demanded a meeting with the bosses of said firm .I told them in no uncertain terms what was expected of them .
The contract improved from then on .
Sometimes you need to challenge and it can be looked upon as being agreesive but good straight talking can achieve /..
Unregistered User
Sid , your comments above.DDC response.
1 yes-happening over three year period
2 yes- already happening probably 5% in last 18 months on work force approx 300. More to come, agreed arrangements in public this morning. £1m to be removed in next 2 years.
3 not realistic not enough tourism market to support projects you illustrate. Been down this road before.There is a small tourism dept. and museum. DTC are considering Tourism role with DDC doing overview White Cliffs Country umbrella role. Deal and Sandwich have already taken over their roles in recent years.
4 Roger's role is nothing to do with DDC and should not be. He can't be a Cllr. and a DDC employee or receive direct support from DDC.Not ethinical.
5 Being done. Long process.
6 yes -weekly food waste, 2 weeklyresiduals and recyclables including certain plastics-possibly expanding if others recyclable and not being sent to China.
7 not in DDC's powers.
8 can't do this but already using community pay back scheme.
9 don't reckon it's legal
10 Chambers of Commerce should be financially supported by the business community and their members, not funded from local government. We do support them with their premises costs and would pay them for research projects undertaken/commissioned provided they can demonstrate quality.
Will continue with another posting.
Guest 690- Registered: 10 Oct 2009
- Posts: 4,150
Sue, regarding the JCB and knocking building`s down and the law coming down on you, they will need good lawyer`s I`m sure. I think now though would be the best time to do it, as the best lawyer`s are busy up in London at the moment trying to get the Yorkshire ripper released.
Tell them that I came, and no one answered.
Unregistered User
In general response to some of the recent postings. I support the concept of new blood. I have new blood in my Cabinet and Chairing committees.New blood won't bring you regeneration to Dover any quicker. Regretably it is the local government systems put in place by Westminster that are the problem. Ability to make decisions without other public service quango's vetoing what should be local government's responsibilities is a major factor.Inability to set charges i.e. capping to deliver what the public want.PC agendas that hamper swifter working and create risk adverse attitudes.Collection and processing of irrevelant statistics and performance data that the public don't care about.We want the same aspirations as you. Employment, leisure, education ,skills and training,quality of life, I could go on.There is little difference in the political parties aspirations for Dover locally, we tend to agree and support what the public want. No party/group whether with new blood or not can deliver rapidly in the present system.No party/group can deliver what the market will not support without public subsidy and that is not available in today's financial crisis and has not been available for nearly a decade. Watty
PC and risk averse are not one and the same PaulW. It is a sad indictment when there is not a pin between the parties. Sad sad day. New blood will never replace the experienced blood but it can do what Sid is doing and ask challenging questions and push the envelope.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
great posting sid, must add my little bit.
3)the spiral staircase is opened twice a year by volunteers, the painted house is run by a trust, the person in charge will not accept any outside involvement or help.
5)there must be a quicker way of dealing with landlords, it has been done elsewhere.
roger found a clause that gave councils powers to take direct action, suddenly it all went quiet.
9) forget it, the age bill brought in by the goverment(meant well) was just a time wasting exercise, employers know what they are looking for. the nett result was a lot of over 50's being invited for interviews so that employers could not be accused of ageism.