howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
there is word that the colourful mr michael jackson is planning to open a "neverland" in kent.
seems rather appropriate, if he comes down here, he will never get it through planning
Alec Sheldon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 18 Aug 2008
- Posts: 1,036
Will that make it a never neverland then Howard?
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
Wont get it throlugh Dover planning
they will give 100 reasons why he cant do it
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i suppose that they will have to "screen" him first.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
will he bring crowds to Dover?
will he piut Dover on the map?
if so Planning dept won't let it happen
Guest 643- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,321
I saw this story somewhere online, can't remember where, but there was no mention made of Dover, it just said Kent. This is a big county and I would think Michaels advisers would pick somewhere like Maidstone, Canterbury or Tunbridge Wells - somewhere central.
With comments like the above could you blame anyone for not coming to Dover. Let's have a bit more support of our town and less knocking - please!!!
There's always a little truth behind every "Just kidding", a little emotion behind every "I don't care" and a little pain behind every "I'm ok".
Guest 687- Registered: 2 Jun 2009
- Posts: 513
There ia tremendous support for our Town from those who care but they are hamstrung by those whose should grease the wheels of progress.
The DE third page quotes the Chief Exec of DDC as saying progress is slow on preparations for the Bleriot celebrations because of planning application and there was tobe no sponsorship despite engaging a consultant.
The Chief exec should have approached the planning department when the idea of a celebration was first muted and asked what would be the pitfalls. As for employing a consultant, if he hadn't instigated the departure of numerous employees within the council who possessed expertise then he wouldn't have the constant need to employ consultants.
It is appreciated redundancies occur to save money but not when they hamper the functions of the Council.
Guest 660- Registered: 14 Mar 2008
- Posts: 3,205
From what I heard at Scruity Committee at the Council the main dragging point at the ASDA site is who gets the money from the car park,DDC want it and so do ASDA and if or how long you can park for free.
If you knew what I know,we would both be in trouble!
Guest 643- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,321
Nice to see you back Ken, look forward to reading your posts
John, I thought most Asda stores had free car parking. The one at Folkestone is a pay and display one but you get the parking fee back if you present your ticket at the checkout when you spend more than £5. Canterbury Asda is free and I believe the Thanet one is the same as Folkestone. Seems a bit petty holding up the whole thing over something so trivial
There's always a little truth behind every "Just kidding", a little emotion behind every "I don't care" and a little pain behind every "I'm ok".
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
I agree with you on this one.
Real shame this is taking so long, get em going boy!!!
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
I don't think that carparking costs is an issue any more John, not been for a while.
I do think that the land-ownerships issues are though and until they can be tied up, no progress will/can be made.
As far as I know, just one person is holding up the whole development, which is a bit scary -that the future of Dover is dependant on one person and his building.
Despite these CPO issues, maybe someone needs to kick the developers up the bum to make them operate faster (although I accept that legal issues can make a big difference to the process); the view amongst almost everyone in Dover is - "HURRY UP".
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,019
i agree with Ken because so many people at DDC were made redundant we now have a skelton staff .Those remaing work hard however we are always being told some of our future schemes are at risk because we may not be able to deliver .Each time a consultant is called in costs money .Our officers dont appear to have time to chase people and to ensure targets are met .I have often said we have too much going on .The Car parking did hold up the scheme.
I see Aylesham has a brand new Health Centre .The new build of Aylesham has been going on since the early nineties .
However A giant screen gets through the planning in a few weeks /A smaller project maybe but sometimes people do jump .
If in Dover we got the buildings and appearance sorted out then maybe the rest will come .
Still Im not in the picture anymore HA HA
On reflection Dover DDC has ten Cabinet Members only one lives in Dover if two were given the job of regeneration maybe a few people could be kicked into place .
See I could apply for a new job .Pigs are flying over River
How many dedicated regeneration specialists are there on DDC at the moment, Sue?
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,019
We have a Head of Regeneration ,promoted Internally,another I think he is called Regeneration Manager ,probably three clerks.One Portfolio holder who has a full time day job and deputy leader .
Meanwhile back to knitting tea cosies .
Who performance manages them? (Knit one for me!!)
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,019
Actuall they did quite well when inspected.The remit was broad .I shall knit tea cosies with names .
I find it rather a challenge to believe that Regeneration people in DDC did well, when I look around Dover Town Centre.........I wonder what the criteria were...?
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
I think all Dover share your views, the town centre is dieing,
what we can do is all shut up shop and move abroad(i wouldn't)
or we can be proud like I am to be an ex tower hamlets boy, and proud to be part of Dover.
That Isn't to say we shouldn';t be critical of the planning dept who appear to hold up many schemes, and have lots of reasons why things CANT happen, rather than why they can.
Even if this store was to come, please don't be convinced it will change the face of the town, cos it aint gonna!!!!!
We have to be honest, and critical, and if it means (as roger says) kick people up the bum, lets do it!!!
I feel so dismayed when i walk thru the town, As Iv said before on here
Perhaps a degree of militancy is a good idea? There are so many people who have had a bellyful of the prevarication, semi-demi-truths and simple poor management and we are, let's be honest, witnessing a beautiful, historic, potentially thriving Town (so near to so much, so close to so many potential visitors and customers......) be abused and neglected by people WE are paying to manage things. They can't even get Wetherspoons to tidy up a decaying facade, even cosmetically. We have voted again - what else is there to do?! But what we want is real, visible, action. Not intimations that "truth will out" or promises of action in the future (again), but actual action now, that we can see, taste, touch and hear. What do you say....?!
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
mmm intresting thoughts there bern,on your thoughts of action,if we could get enough people together with the equipment etc snoops or what you would call it could be tieded and repainted to blend in with the area.then challenge wheatherspoons and ddc to get there backsides moving,then target other eyesores aroud the town.