Just as Paul is doing an excellent job of reporting all the good things happening in Dover and making us look like a place to come to we have to be subjected to all this rubbish again!
Someone needs to gag this man before he completely ridicules our town once more. I felt ashamed reading the comments on the Status Quo site - what must the fans think of us? Comments about Vic made on there, ie. as a councillor shouldn't he be more able to put a legible posting together - are true and damning to Dovorians. They must wonder how he got elected in the first place, and by whom. I think Mandy's comments are spot on and I think the answer to her questions 3 and 4 are definitely yes.
Vic if you think anything of Dover give it a rest - please! I'm sure Mandy and I aren't the only ones who are sick of this.
Oh and I just realised something else - Mandy is another person who does her best to promote Dover to the outside world so you're hurting her too.
You really need to think Vic and remember to put your brain into gear before you operate your keyboard.
There's always a little truth behind every "Just kidding", a little emotion behind every "I don't care" and a little pain behind every "I'm ok".