Guest 684- Registered: 26 Feb 2009
- Posts: 635
21 August 2009
15:1327694Hello all,
Hope everything's going swimmingly all round and you're all looking forward to the weekend.
Niceties aside, does anyone else agree with me that things are getting a little bit cosily parochial and flat on this estimable forum at the moment?
Now I'm as parochial as the next man (I wear my insularity as a badge of honour), and I'm sure it's just a temporary lull, so no offence meant to anyone in particular. After all, this chat-tastic cybertool is only as good as our own contributions. But I think everyone on here should up the ante a bit and make sure we continually keep the great and the good on the very tips of their well-heeled toes. Alternatively, the other way inertia lies...
And by the way, get your good selves up to the Theatre of Dreams tomorrow if you can (Crabble, 3pm, Mighty Whites v Weston-super-Mare).
All the best,
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
21 August 2009
16:5627697we do need some new subjects, maybe some new posters with different views.
i suppose a few are away on holiday at the moment, august is a quiet month for most things.
Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
21 August 2009
17:0927700Ah yes a kind of sleepy inertia hangs over everything at the moment but I still think we are shuffling along quite well for the wicked month of august. One can get sleepy, lazy, dopey, too hot, too cold... one can drop off gob open in deck chairs after long lunches in the hot pub, and as a consequence get a very sunburned bright red nose...Im speaking of myself here! Then peeps even go on holiday. I myself have managed to squeeze two little holidays in of 5 day duration apiece. But alas I have discovered a new depth to laziness, but I promise myself I will rally forth come september.
I guess most people feel a bit like that.
Have just added a new feature chappie to our Who's Who page and I have to admit Ive been a bit lazy on that page, or a bit too busy to get back to it often enough..I tell myself its the latter. But it features our well deserved oul mucker Ian.
21 August 2009
20:1327709I think Dover Forum needs a Facebook page. I always resisted Facebook hugely, disregarding it as social drivel and trivial use of high tech networks but I have to say it has actually allowed me to spread the word far and wide about my fancy car graphics and stuff. Facebook won't detract from this forum but I do think it will help promote it to a bigger audience and maybe even attract new members. Anyone other Facebookers agree?
Guest 664- Registered: 23 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,039
21 August 2009
22:2527714The town centre remains an indictment and an embarrassment to every Dovorian while those in the Whitfield Rathaus peddle lame-brained legoland solutions for the hinterland.
They need to realise the entire district is judged by a tiny area bounded by Maison Dieu Road, Ladywell, York Street/London Road and Townwall Street.
Repeat after me: Dover Town Centre, Dover Town Centre, Dover Town Centre...
try visiting it a bit more often.
It really does shame those in charge of this place. Sorry, but it's the truth, and sorry if you are getting the flack for the failures of your predecessors, which you may well be. I just want to not cringe when I have to say where I come from.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
22 August 2009
07:2827722Part of the problem Andrew, is that there is no one co-ordinating the requirements or needs of the Town Centre.
I know I keep banging on about it (a Dover Business Suppport body), but until certain people and bodies make up their minds, Dover will just drift along and no real solutions will be brought to fruition.
We all know that this should be done, or that should be done, but who really, is going to do it ?
I had some information given to me yesterday that if taken up, would change completely the look of Dover, but there's no one to run with it, or take it over - to make sure it can and will be done.
A World Class Town type of vision for Dover, is a non-starter until a body it set up to look after the Town, its businesses, buildings and the general street-scene.
Guest 640- Registered: 21 Apr 2007
- Posts: 7,819
22 August 2009
07:3727724Yes just to go back to the Facebook idea and yes indeed Rick mentioned this to me before. The only knowledge I have of Facebook alas is peering over BB's shoulder. But the problem with this route to membership is this... its not an open forum here anymore, more a discussion club. If we opened it all up again we would go back to a situation where every kind of flotsem and jetsom would drift in via the www and it would as a consequence require huge amounts of moderation again and so on. A back to square one scenario.
Ive moved away from that idea preferring the magazine style format now but that takes up all my time, but rather do that than spend my time moderating.
However Im sure all of us would be interested in some new members of the discussion variety, no one liner specialists wanted, so if there is anyone liking to join in, its easy enough just drop me an email. PaulB on
I am sticking to the policy of deleting non active members..the chocolate teapots who are of no use to anybody. Sadly I dont want to do it but use it or lose it...what can you do...I try and encourage everyone onboard to contribute but there are again 5 or 6 that will have to be names but they will know who they are. But even so the membership still goes up..slowly.
Guest 684- Registered: 26 Feb 2009
- Posts: 635
22 August 2009
08:1327726"The town centre remains an indictment and an embarrassment to every Dovorian while those in the Whitfield Rathaus peddle lame-brained legoland solutions for the hinterland.
They need to realise the entire district is judged by a tiny area bounded by Maison Dieu Road, Ladywell, York Street/London Road and Townwall Street.
Repeat after me: Dover Town Centre, Dover Town Centre, Dover Town Centre...
try visiting it a bit more often.
It really does shame those in charge of this place. Sorry, but it's the truth, and sorry if you are getting the flack for the failures of your predecessors, which you may well be. I just want to not cringe when I have to say where I come from."
Absolutely spot-on again, from my good friend, fellow Dovorian and adroit social commentator Andy Stucken.
Dover town centre is what the whole district is judged on. And to apply grades to that model, we're talking E-minus territory.
PS for PaulB: Yes Paul, I think a 'Dover Forum' Facebook page would be a great idea. Facebook already has a number of Dover-related forums that this one could piggyback. We're all singing from the same hymnsheet.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
22 August 2009
Yes there is a lol, Ia think some of the problem people find is, that as soon as your critical of something/someone in come posters running down that person.
I has made it difficult to know how/what to post on and at same time encourage people to post.
I think any reasonable person would agree the Town centre aresa is looking tired, and like others it is shameful to let peopole know you come from Dover.
I think its fair to say many of our leading lights have realy GIVEN UP on the Town centre, there aim is to move everything to Whitfield, The town centre was never going to survive.
It sad to watch the decline, and we do need to keep banging the drum, but the town centre will always suffer/decline all the time all the concentration goes on moving business to Whitfield.
Yep I will be there this afternoon, another 3 points
COME ON YOU WHITES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do yo get my texts on a saturday when i go ?????? result of Dover?
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
22 August 2009
08:1827729no keith, not had any at all.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
22 August 2009
08:3027732Must have an old number of yours as i have been texting a number you gave me
if you want me to text if you give me a mobile to text i will
Guest 664- Registered: 23 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,039
22 August 2009
08:5227740Keep banging the drum, Roger.
I think the answer here is a kind if OFSTED for local councils. We would have been put into special measures ages ago and people who know what they are doing parachuted in to take charge.
This is the age of accountability, of performance, of results, of can-do. We are in a war for survival here in Dover and inertia, mediocrity and failure are not an option.
I saw a TV programme recently where an entire brand new and very sizeable house was built in eight days. Shows what can be achieved when human beings put their minds to it.
It's 2009 and an exploding human population advances relentlessly. Except in Dover.
And there is a rising tide of anger in every wronged, fed up, put-upon Dovorian. The shark is about to bite.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
22 August 2009
The ofsted for councils is ELECTIONS
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
22 August 2009
09:1127748Actually Andrew and Keith, there is a kind of OFSTED for Councils, its called the Audit Commission.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
22 August 2009
09:1627751Thats another one Barryw
Guest 684- Registered: 26 Feb 2009
- Posts: 635
22 August 2009
09:4827757Come on, let's not veer off piste again here, guys. This is important.
Andrew Stucken is right. This is the age of accountability, like it or not, and there is a rising tide of anger at the cataclysmic decline of the town (in both its look, perception and status). The neglect is also creating a potential social powder keg I for one never thought I'd see in what used to be such a perfectly pleasant little place - my hometown. Disgraceful.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
22 August 2009
Im with you on this, and have posted many times on this subject
What do you suggest to be the way forward?
Guest 645- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 4,463
22 August 2009
10:0027761Ok I have posted on this subject before and aired my ideas and feelings but a very quick microwaveable fastfix idea would be to have a boot (stall) fair every Sunday morning.Council could charge £10 a plot, with the money going towards the Mayors balls or whatever charity and for at least for one day a week ...maybe life and a market would return to the Market Square.
I think therefore I am (not a Tory supporter)
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
22 August 2009
10:0227763or the money could go towards bightening up the town centre!!!!
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
22 August 2009
19:2427779i still think a flea/antiques market on the seafront would be a winner.
my understanding is that the harbour board would not countenance the idea.