Exactly Howard. And hopefully before we 'have our say' we'll read the background briefing to know what we are talking about:-
There have been a number of 'consultations' now for all interested parties, including the great unwashed, which have been somewhat sparsely attended.
Perhaps Dover is wasted on Dovorians?
No decisions have been made but an outline plan is being formulated to bring the property back into much better use for the community (dread word).
The 'holiday lets' would be managed by the Landmark Trust
http://www.landmarktrust.org.uk/ as is the stunning Pugin House in Ramsgate which would provide a revenue stream to stop relying on hard working Council Tax payers to sink money in to the property just to stop it deteriorating.
The spaces are not used efficiently. Catering is is the wrong area, those who should be front of house are back of house and at the annual DODS pantomime the Seven Persons of Restricted Height have had to get changed in the bogs.
The basement is split up into over 70 tiny rooms with non structural walls housing artifacts from the museum which do not see the light of day from one year to the next.
PLEASE read the documentation and have your two pennyworth.
Fortunately there are lots of people who have a go at the Lottery so we have the opportunity to get the work done by a tax based on stupidity rather than a tax based on Dover residence.
What's not to like?
"We are living in very strange times, and they are likely to get a lot stranger before we bottom out"
Dr. Hunter S Thompson