Yep, that one of the reasons I was asking Howard. I think we all understand the national platform of UKIP, but they are putting up candidates for local elections now. That surely requires having a local agenda? But, if you allow candidates to operate independently, doesn't that mean they are independant not UKIP? All very confusing at the mo.
You know, I was shocked and horrified by Ian's original post, not having been on-line for a few days. It was so venomous. I wish that no-one had to feel like that about Dover. There are in fact, many places of interest in and around this historic town. Just that the fabric and general running of the town is being let go. Simple measures such as washing down exterior paintwork is ignored (my big bugbear - the Magistrates Court)., I am sure that just such a simple thing as keeping the town cleaner would make a huge difference. There seems to be so little pride. Are we still suffering from Hitler's onslaught? In that case - he won!
Instead of grouching, it would be great if we could all get some pride back.
Speaking of biodiversity, said bomb-sites (well ex bomb-sites, later occupied by garage now deceased), at this time of year, are buzzing and humming with all sorts of wild flowers, insects and bugs. Really worth having a look at if you are interested in that sort of thing. And what will happen? Some twit will come along shortly and hack it all back.
Diana, cleaning the place up a bit would be very constructive as it sets a marker for all the citizens to keep it at that level. Children gowing up in a clean town expect it to be always so, and naturally adopt cleaner habits too. We have to start somewhere, so why not here.
You mention pride. I did hear once about Dover Pride, but I guess that wa nothing more than a local QUANGO as that body appears to have made no progress or made any difference whatsoever. Perhaps someoen will update us on that one?
Guest 693- Registered: 12 Nov 2009
- Posts: 1,266
Oh Sid, I think you should come clean and own up to your misdemeanours......if it was a simple 'What can UKIP do for Dover?' then you should have perhaps put it on a related thread rather than throw it in to one that was about Ian's preference for Hull. Following it up with derogatory remarks such as 'Obersturmbahnfuhrer' and 'You Kip' is just further proof to me that your tone was antagonistic, nothing more.
Touching a nerve? No; rather, just me pointing out another example of the hyperbole that I find so damned irritating in people who cannot have the decency to respect the beliefs of another, that's all.
True friends stab you in the front.
Andy I respect your belief's as I am sure you do mine. You may also have noticed that our beloved leader also comes in for some German style job titles; it's harmless fun. As for You Kip, well, I am rather happy to say I like using that phrase to describe a party that only appears to come to any sort of life when there is an election, and then only to beat the same old "let's get out of Europe drum" at that.
Now, thanks to Vic, Forumites know there is more to UKIP than just ant-Euro thinking, but, in the great scheme of things, Joe Public is probably competely unaware. Hence the miserable voting figures nationally.
As for me being antagonistic, I happily admit it. All you political types need to have your foundations shaken in any way possible if we, the great mass of nobodies, aka the electorate, are to get to the real truth, or even close to it. I will continue to be antagonistic towards any of our local politicos, and quite often the national ones too. If any of them, including you, want the quiet life and nodding acceptance of all you propose, say and do politically, you won't get it from me.
However, I hope you understand my haranguing of politicos and authority in general doesn't mean I am against anyone personally and, in my mind at least, I like to think I am on reasonable terms socially with those I may bait from time to time in politics. It is important to maintain seperation methinks.
Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
Ian, when in Dover, young man....when in Dover...
Guest 672- Registered: 3 Jun 2008
- Posts: 2,119
Does that mean I have to throw bottles and cans in the river and inhabit Pencester Gardens day after day?
grass grows by the inches but dies by the feet.
Guest 690- Registered: 10 Oct 2009
- Posts: 4,150
IAN, if you ever get into singing or acting, don`t forget to think of me as your PR manager mate. Look how I`ve got you up here from a poultry 15 posting`s 2 years ago to 48 today!
Tell them that I came, and no one answered.
Guest 672- Registered: 3 Jun 2008
- Posts: 2,119
grass grows by the inches but dies by the feet.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i think that diane may have misread the post from ian, venomous no, passionate yes.
the internet cannot differentiate.
Sorry, Howard, but I think calling Dover a s*** h*** of the first order is pretty venomous!
Not passionate, but negative.
I am proud of our history. Instead of just knocking Dover perhaps we could all try finding something good to say each time to engender positivity.
Guest 672- Registered: 3 Jun 2008
- Posts: 2,119
I'm sorry if I have upset you Diana.
At the time of writing the first post my time with the river Dour had come to an abrupt end ( 25yrs ), kind of like being stabbed in the back and kicked out of the back door, every wich way you turned and asked questions all you ever got was LIP SERVICE and lets be honest about it it's still the same.
I'm just the same as all of the people on this forum and the same as most towns folk, I still have a great passion for Dover and always will have.
The idea of such postings in my view is to hope that one day you may just get the right person reading it and get them to sit up and think. Venomous maybe, negative NO.
I only shout about things I care about.
Any way like I say, my apologies.
grass grows by the inches but dies by the feet.
Guest 693- Registered: 12 Nov 2009
- Posts: 1,266
For one, I fully understand your passion. Getting a kick in the teeth involving something one cares passionately about; it happened to me too earlier this year and my emotions got the better of me then. I, too, only shout about the things I care about, I think we're all basically made the same way.
Stiff upper lip, mate!
True friends stab you in the front.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
I agree with Ian when he says about being passionate about something, working your socks off and then you get stabbed in the back - happened to me 3 months ago and I was pretty upset then and still am, but I have moved on; if the Chamber Board are happy with what is happening, that is up to them - if not, they can talk to me.
There is nothing visible happening Roger, apart from few market stalls. Howevr, I would imagine the new bloke is putting together his strategy and it may be a little yet before we the fruits of his labours.
I remember an American tourist who having queued for a long while on a hot day in the Immigration Hall at Dover East, said, as his opening remark to the Immigration Officer, 'Sir, Dover is the shit hole of Europe'.
The Immigration Officer's reply?
'Just passing through are you Sir?'
Guest 641- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 2,335
Nice one, I bet the American tourist didn't pick up on that one
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
was a bit subtle, brilliantly witty though.
Guest 693- Registered: 12 Nov 2009
- Posts: 1,266
My father was stuck in Aden for a few days when the RAF transport plane he was aeromedic on went u/s. One of the American Marines on the plane said that if Aden could be considered the arsehole of the world (and in his opinion, it could) then the RAF base there was the carbuncle up the arsehole of the world.
Overhearing the taunt, the Flt Lieutenant pilot quipped, 'What, worse than Detroit?' only to be decked by a sledgehammer punch from the Marine. Apparently he came from Detroit. Whoops!
True friends stab you in the front.
Obviously a Detroit Spinner, Andy