BRICKS - a boring subject indeed.
During the manufacture of a brick, the holes are made with a hole-making device and the holes allow for the brick to have holes in it. Without these holes, the brick will be hole-less. This renders it free of holes which, as you probably know, is useless in a situation where a brick with holes is required. Should a brick without holes be required, then a different sort of brick should be used, namely a brick without holes. However these types of brick don't work as well as bricks with holes in them when you need a brick with holes in. It is worth noting, however, that bricks with holes in are not suitable in any application where a brick without holes is required.
If you buy the wrong sort of bricks then please be advised that it is not advisable to alter the hole configuration of the brick yourself. For example, if you buy a brick without holes and then discover that you need holes in your brick, do not attempt to make holes in the brick yourself. You will need to hire a brick hole maker, who is a highly trained specialist at making holes in non-holed bricks. Similarly, if you purchase bricks with holes in and then discover you actually need bricks without holes, you cannot actually remove the holes once they are in the brick. This is a common error and many enthusiasts have been seriously damaged trying to remove brick holes.
If you intend to make a house then you may need several bricks. You will also need a special adhesive called cement-glue. It is very important that you obtain the correct type of brick for the type of house you are making. If your house requires bricks with holes in them then you should always buy bricks with holes. If your house requires bricks without holes (which the professionals call "bricks without holes in them") then you will need to buy bricks without holes. You will need to carefully plan your new house first so draw it on a bit of paper and mark all the areas where there will be bricks, taking special care to ensure that you mark the bricks with holes or the bricks without holes, depending on which ones you need.
Finally, you may wonder how you know which type of brick to use. This is a common question and the answer is actually very simple. Any project that requires a brick with holes in should be built using bricks with holes in them, and any project that requires bricks without holes should be built using bricks without holes in them.