Vic - how can you slag individuals in DDC now when there is not going to be people there that were there in the 1960s/70s when bad decisions were being made in the town ?
Planning application Application No: DOV/09/00712 for:
"Change of use and conversion of part ground floor to hot food take away (Use class A5), 1st and 2nd floors to staff accommodation and 3rd floor to self contained flat; erection of 3rd floor rear extension and pitched roof extension and insertion of a glazed roof "
Was apparently refused on the grounds
The proposal would introduce additional hazards to traffic, due to the likelihood of vehicles stopping in the vicinity of the site and the increase of pedestrian movement across Folkestone Road. The proposal would thereby be contrary to Dover District Local Plan Policies TR1 and TR2.
The details of the method and design of extraction and dispersal of cooking fumes from the proposed take-away are not sufficient to enable a full assessment of the adequacy or visual impact of the extract system to be made. The system may give rise to noise and odours, which would have a detrimental impact on the amenity of the occupants of nearby residential properties. The proposal would thereby be contrary to South East Plan Policy NRM9 and NRM10, Dover District Local Plan Policy DD1, PPS23: Planning and Pollution Control and PPG24: Planning and Noise.
The unrestricted hours of operation for the proposed take-away use would potentially create an undesirable level of night-time activity, causing a level of noise and disturbance to neighbouring residential occupiers, which would be detrimental to the quality of their living environment. Accordingly, the proposal is contrary to South East Plan Policy NRM10, Dover District Local Plan Policy DD1 and PPG24: Planning and Noise.
I was of the opinion that planning could be refused on planning grounds on the various criteria, before it would get to committees??