Keeping On Track For Another Multi-Million Pound Regeneration Boost
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Dover District is keeping on track for another multi million pound boost for the future - following major news that the Government has invited a detailed bid for schemes totalling more than £5m for a range of transport improvements for the area.
Planning Matters At Neighbourhood Forums
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Local residents are invited to come along and improve their understanding of the planning system at the latest round of Neighbourhood Forum meetings being held at Dover North on 21 April and Sandwich on 22 April.
Olympic Live Site Approved For Dover
Friday, 3 April 2009
Dover District Council Planning Committee has approved plans for the Olympic Live site in Dover, with temporary planning permission for 5 years. This means a big screen has been given the go ahead for the Market Square, for use by the community for information and local events, as well as for national events and the Olympics in 2012.
Sharing Will Lead To Savings
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Plans to make significant savings by creating a single human resources service for four East Kent councils have been agreed by the East Kent Joint Arrangements Committee.
£¾ Million Cocaine Seized At Dover Docks
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
A man from Darlington was due to appear in court yesterday after officers from the UK Border Agency (UKBA) seized approximately 18 kilos of cocaine at Dover's Eastern Docks over the weekend.
Bridging The Gap - Grant Awards Celebration
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Representatives from 25 community and voluntary groups that have benefited from a total of £139,280 Bridging the Gap funding over the past year were invited to a special Grant Awards Celebration at Eastry Village Hall on Wednesday (15 April).
Newport Man Jailed For 16 Years For £2.4m Ecstasy Haul
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
A Newport man who tried to smuggle 165 kilos of Ecstasy tablets worth £2.44m through the Port of Dover was jailed for 16 years yesterday.