Guest 975- Registered: 19 Jun 2013
- Posts: 28
Sometimes a town like Dover needs one scheme to act as a catalyst for more regeneration.
If this project gets the go ahead then think what other developers that are interested in the town will think.
Guest 698- Registered: 28 May 2010
- Posts: 8,664
Some contributors to this debate seem to think that investors with the ability to regenerate Dover don't deserve
a return on their investment.
I'm an optimist. But I'm an optimist who takes my raincoat - Harold Wilson
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
catalyst is the word i was searching for - too often dover has turned away investors and the impression given is one of not being open for business.
now with the the cinema deal and normally restaurants want to get involved in the action a message is going out that we are looking to the future.
Guest 750- Registered: 12 Apr 2012
- Posts: 72
Still as always believing that this ONE development will be the saviour of Dover, it won't be, it will be an additional ruin and in doing some loose areas that could never be returned to us. Again, same people saying same things, my views are not negative my views reflect saving heritage. Dover town needs regenerating before we invite and extend 'community' All are welcome to mums house on the 27th to continue this debate both objectors and those in favour. Email me on or 07843 723703 I too now believe after that meeting, that those who make decisions supposedly for the greater good, are indeed those that should not be making them.
Ps you should read 2nd instalment of Shades, bit more exciting
Guest 944- Registered: 16 May 2013
- Posts: 57
Good post Lara #164.
Peter, post #162; I'm not against investors/developers making a profit, but their desire to maximise that profit shouldn't outweigh all other considerations. Their interests and those of the people of Dover are not one and the same!
A few people mentioned the proposed golf course. My parents did get permission for a 9 hole golf course, had to jump through lots of environmental hoops to get it, which they did and the conservation people were very happy with what was proposed. It might yet happen, but costs a lot to set up.
The CGI proposal, if built, would probably be good for my family's business as it would put a whole lot of potential new customers just across the road. But making money ain't the only consideration in life (I know some may be shocked to hear that). I should probably reiterate I don't work for the family business (I'm a professional archaeologist) although my wife, brother, parents and uncle do.
Andrew Richardson
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
nobody thinks this development is the saviour of dover in its own right, it is just part of the bigger picture where developers/investors look at the district as a place to do business.
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
good god theres no pleasing some people.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Just to add to what is going on.It was only a few years ago that a well know Dover printer wanted to build a factory and office on that very site and in doing so would have gave Dover more jobs,and our great planning dept turned him down saying it was wanted for a development at some point. It was in the press at the time.I said then it was wrong to turn him down,but it was only me again having my say.
Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
The assumption that to build more houses in Britain is good for the economy because it means more people will move to Britain and consequently pay council tax, and shop, does not take into account that more hospitals and clinics would need to be built, and more schools.
The NHS would need to expand, the roads would need to be repaired more often to cope with more cars and lorries.
Our farms and woodlands would disappear ever more.
The Army is being reduced to 82,000 soldiers due to spending cuts; the Police Force is being cut because it costs too much according to the Government; the NHS is being trimmed down due to spending cuts; council budgets are being reduced by 40% through spending cuts; care for elderly people has been cut by 20% since the Coalition got in, and G. Osborne is about to deliberate whether to cut care even more.
And yet, DDC's core strategy plans to treble Dover's population with over 10,000 new homes until 2026.
So if all councils in Britain follow Dover's example and treble the nationwide population to 200 million, and sacrifice the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the Scheduled Ancient Monuments, such as Farthingloe and Western Heights, and the woods and farmlands as in Whitfield and Sholden and Guston, who will this benefit?
If the Council gives permission to build even one house on an AONB or on a SAM, then a precedent will have been created, and it would go on and become thousands and millions of houses all over Britain, and no wood and no farm will be safe, as these have lesser status than an AONB or a SAM.
We all know that the 10,000+ houses DDC want to build in and around Dover are not meant for Dovorians.
And no jobs are being created locally anyway.
They just want to take away everything from us and hand it over to others!
We need to put Kent, Freedom and Democracy first, otherwise we may become a part of Greater London and cease to exist!
Guest 698- Registered: 28 May 2010
- Posts: 8,664
169, para 8, From what I have seen from 12 years of living in the Dover area, an injection of new genes from outside would not be a bad thing.
I'm an optimist. But I'm an optimist who takes my raincoat - Harold Wilson
Jan Higgins- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,803
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Guest 745- Registered: 27 Mar 2012
- Posts: 3,370
Peter 107
This is exactly what Alex is talking about
New comers ,coming in and thinking its ok to take the piss and slag of the local population.
Maybe you should have all stayed in London with the mix.
Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
Peter, my family was living in Dover in the 16th century, while other family members by way of great .... great etc. grandparents moved from other parts of Kent, such as the Canterbury area, and from East Anglia.
People from other areas married Dovorians and moved here, or their children born here married into Dovorian families.
This was a natural process.
There is no need for a State-imposed thirty year plan to settle people here on a grand migration-immigration scheme.
Leave it to the natural process of human beings to liberally decide who they want to marry.
We don't want all and sundry coming over here and don't want to become like London became, nor become a part of Greater London.
Perhaps CGI could emigrate to China and take their Israeli borrowed money to the West Bank!
What are they doing with borrowed money from Israel trying to create settlements here in Dover on our protected green areas?
CGI want to flog off our protected green areas in Dover to pay off their debts to an Israeli bank. To do so they want to create settlements here.
Originally they wanted to build a gateway to China project in Dover to mass-import Chinese cheap-labour manufacture and flog it off to pound shops.
Can't they go to Israel? They can build a settlement in the Gaza strip with Israeli money!
Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
It should be noted that there has been a great outcry in other Kentish districts to protest exactly against the mass-building of settlements; and all the residents of Sholden had said no to the mass-settlement plans of DDC too.
And the Whitfield residents had also said no to DDC mass-settlement plans there for 6,000 houses.
So how do you kill off Democracy? Just simply by going ahead and imposing mass settlements whether the people like it or not.
If Kent gives in, we will be no more. They will incorporate us into Greater London. They will mass-settle Londoners here: those with money, and those who are unemployed but for whom the State does not want to pay the extortionate rent bills in the London rent scene by way of housing benefits.
The London capitalist racket scene will transfer hundreds of thousands of unemployed London residents to Kent, to make room for more people from the whole world to move to London; and Londoners with money will come over and buy up houses here too.
We should tell the London racket institution plc where to get off!
Guest 696- Registered: 31 Mar 2010
- Posts: 8,115
This is our County! Kent for the People of Kent. Full Stop.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
Posts of173 and 174 and 175 is not right.There is alot of the public that have been in Dover all their lifes and I am one of them think the plans for Maxton and the hights are good infact the only way of saving the hights and the history sites up there,the 500 family homes are to many at this time and the kind of homes I have already said I think would be better but it is only me saying that and I could be wrong,all I know anything is better then nothing or the way it is today.But as we have seen in the town over the pass 40years saying and even planing does not happen is this all talk again again? I do not know.But I do know things need to happen here soon or Dover will be just a set of T/ Lights heading in and out of the port.And the rest will be fenceing around it. keeping the public of Dover behind it and the others just passing by.
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
I see a thread has gone down hill again.
I cant see why people cant accept whats needed and whats not.does it really matter who builds the houses or who lives in them when all brings in much needed money,ie council tax,etc.
Guest 967- Registered: 9 Jun 2013
- Posts: 28
I still cant believe how nieve people are being! So the the grand shaft and drop redoubt are going to fall down without this money well this will happen then because I can promise you that this money will never materialise they wont commit to it so whoever buys the land can just say that they are not obliged to pay! And the only way extra council tax will help is to increase the councils yearly pay rise! Housing is not the answer nor is it needed take a walk around dover with your eyes open there are so many houses empty and derelict its the town that needs improving to attract more tourists to stay in dover not another hotel or housing estate!
Rollin wiv the punches
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i believe the benefits form part of the planning application so that anyone that buys the land will have to comply.
Guest 975- Registered: 19 Jun 2013
- Posts: 28
#170 Couldn't agree more!!
#176 Well said! Time for change, something a lot of people don't like but face facts Dover needs this and investment like it to survive and ever regenerate!
I can see that some people have missed the point and moved away from the actual subject and onto complete rubbish. #173, #174 & #175.
Lets say only £5 million is spent on Drop Redoubt and it opens a quarter of the tunnels that still a worthwhile investment. It will open a new tourist attraction and generate money for further investment into the historic area, simple. They didn't just open all the tunnels under Dover Castle, it took millions of pounds of investment from various sources.
Agreed the town needs improving but to attract investment for the town we need other people like CGI to show they want to invest. When investors see that area is subject to regeneration and actually see construction work then they are more likely to invest!