howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
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howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
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Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
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I think it will not happen, there is something in the pipeline they are not telling us.
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howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
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Shameful behaviour by Anglo-Dutch giant Unilever in trying to use the exchange rate situation to rip off their customers. They got caught out over Marmite which is made here with ingredients sourced here. The rest would have been imported well before the Pound fell in value.
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Button- Location: Dover
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The price of certain imported foodstuffs might fall after BRexit, given that there are CAP subsidies to EU producers who export (as opposed to despatch).
Guest 3065, Guest 943 and howard mcsweeney1 like this
(Not my real name.)
Bob Whysman- Registered: 23 Aug 2013
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howard mcsweeney1 wrote:Shameful behaviour by Anglo-Dutch giant Unilever in trying to use the exchange rate situation to rip off their customers. They got caught out over Marmite which is made here with ingredients sourced here. The rest would have been imported well before the Pound fell in value.
Not quite as it seems Howard. The jars that Marmite is packed in are imported and the cost has increased substantially due to the fall of sterling plus increased hikes from the manufacturers.
Oil prices are also affecting the production of some of the other products involved so it is not going to go away anytime soon!
Historically, Tesco has always tried to extort as much as they can in the way of discounts and stocking bonuses from their suppliers along with many other 'perks', which in the main have not been passed on to their customers.
Unilever, having the clout, has in the past had to resist this ploy many times............ I suspect also that perhaps there is some 'string pulling' going on from outside sources to focus the population's minds on the Brexit problems that may be looming.
howard mcsweeney1 likes this
Do nothing and nothing happens.
Button- Location: Dover
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That reminds me of Nescafe, some of the ingredients for which were imported through Dover years ago. There were 3 types of coffee beans from different countries, the jar, the plastic top and the paper label. I can't remember which bits, if any, were sourced in the UK, where it was all, um, assembled I guess you'd call it.
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(Not my real name.)
Jan Higgins- Location: Dover
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This is what happens when packaging etc is sourced from abroad rather than in this country, once we are free of Europe companies just might start using UK companies again.
Guest 3065 likes this
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Button- Location: Dover
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True, although in my pre-Single Market days cigarette packets and even milkbottle tops were sourced from EFTA. I remember that some packets were originally classified as aluminium containers owing to their foil coating! The CMT (cut, make and trim) clothing industry that supplied the likes of Hepworths was always 6" the other side of the EEC, the "ingredients" being sent out there from the UK or Italy.
(Not my real name.)
Guest 1395- Registered: 5 Nov 2014
- Posts: 463
Producers will always source from where it's cheapest, whether in the UK or not.
Lew Finnis
Button- Location: Dover
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True. First CMT was in the Visegrad countries, then when they joined I think it was Turkey, followed by Morocco (not as far away as you might think). I've just checked my Next suit and it comes from Vietnam.
That's not to say that we don't export, because of course we do. Inevitably I only remember the trade through Dover that caught my eye, such as:
- wallpaper to Russia
- disposable razors to North Africa (weird)
- whiskey to Turkey (ditto, and with EU CAP subsidy because of the grain)
- instant coffee to Calais and back (to take advantage of the pricing structure to encourage export markets)
- hand-rolling tobacco (ditto, only it was, and I think still is, smuggled back).
(Not my real name.)
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
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Never heard of the Visegrad countries until Mr Bottom mentioned them, learn something new every day. Location: Dover
- Registered: 22 Jul 2016
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Very Shakespearean!
(Not my real name.)
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
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Jan Higgins- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
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Could that be the reason Gove did not support him to become PM?
howard mcsweeney1 likes this
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Guest 1882- Registered: 16 Oct 2016
- Posts: 2
Panama papers just shows that Brexit is part of the hidden system of money laundering.
What is the Queen's statement about the situation while a french president can make a brutal curreny drop by words. ..?
I just checked the article above and made me wondering ...
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
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Looking at social media there are still masses of people that won't accept the referendum outcome. Some appear to be heading for a nervous breakdown over it - I can only conclude that they must have had a very easy and stress free life up until now if politics does this to them.
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howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
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Captain Haddock- Location: Marlinspike Hall
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"We are living in very strange times, and they are likely to get a lot stranger before we bottom out"
Dr. Hunter S Thompson
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
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