Tourism, Arts And Events Grants
Monday, 2 July 2007
Event organisers and artists' groups from a range of projects across the area have been presented with a total of £10,000 from Dover District Council. Presentations were made at a special ceremony at the Sandwich Guildhall last week (Thursday 28 June).
Gambling Act Close To 'Go Live'
Monday, 2 July 2007
Businesses that offer gambling in the district are being reminded they need to apply for a premises licence from Dover District Council by 30 July if they want to continue to run their business from 1 September 2007, when the new Gambling Act comes into force.
£¼M Lottery Fund Boost For Play
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
A major £¼M cash boost for play in the district, which is set to benefit children and young people in the area, has been announced by the Big Lottery Fund today.
Future Health Service Provision Comes Under Scrutiny
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
Future health service provision will be the subject under examination at Dover District Council when the Scrutiny Committee holds a special review. The Scrutiny (Community and Regeneration) Committee's Review of Future Health Service Provision in the Dover District will be held at 6pm on 17 July at the Council Chambers at Whitfield.
Leader Of Dover District Calls For Action To Improve Safety On A20
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
The Leader of Dover District Council is calling for an urgent meeting with the new Transport Minister to discuss vital measures to improve safety on the A20 following the multi-vehicle accident this weekend.

Police Keen To Speak To Potential Witnesses Seen In CCTV Images
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
Officers investigating the disappearance of David Redman have released CCTV images captured outside the Funky Monkey of members of the public who they think may hold vital clues, which will help the investigation.
Two Charged Following Bomb Hoax
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Two men have been charged following a bomb hoax on a ferry yesterday, Tuesday, 3 July. 30-year-old Graham Hinchcliffe, of Doncaster Road, Rotherham, and 28-year-old David Churm, of Meadow View Road, Mexborough, were both charged with falsely claiming that a bomb had been placed on a ferry.
Countdown Begins To Archery World Cup Tournament
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
The Meteksan FITA archery World Cup tournament in Dover is now just a month away. On the weekend of July 28/29 over 250 competitors from around the world, their coaches and officials, will begin arriving at The Duke of York's Military School in the Kent coastal town in one of the biggest archery events ever held in the UK.
ASDA Comes To Pencester Gardens
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
The countdown has begun to ASDA opening in Dover - and to help celebrate the news the ASDA roadshow will be in town this weekend. Planning permission for the new store, which will be part of the St James' development, was granted earlier this year and building work is now expected to begin next year.
GB's Blend Of Youth And Experience Will Be Ready For The Dover World Cup Challenge
Monday, 9 July 2007
Team GB has named a squad of 24 archers for the Dover round of this year's Meteksan FITA World Cup series, including Athens Olympic bronze medalist Alison Williamson. The event takes place at the Duke of York's Military School in Dover between July 30 and August 5.
Archery World Cup Comes To Dover
Monday, 9 July 2007
A top-flight international sporting event is targeting world-wide attention on Dover this summer. The Archery World Cup is coming to town from 31 July to 5 August, and an exciting range of events for the whole family is being organized, from an amazing torchlight Viking Parade to a spectacular launch at Dover Castle.
Eight Staffordshire Bull Terrier Puppies Stolen From Flat
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Eight Staffordshire bull terrier puppies have been stolen from a ground floor flat in Alberta Close, Dover.
How Healthy Is Dover?
Friday, 13 July 2007
The varying life expectancy of people living in different parts of Dover district is one of the issues highlighted in Kent's new public health strategy, which is to be the subject of a major debate at Kent County Council on 24 July.
Tudor Festival 2007
Monday, 16 July 2007
From the life of Shakespeare to the wives of Henry VIII, pupils from schools across Kent learnt all about life in Tudor times at the latest festival event at Dover Museum.
Community Safety Day
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
A range of activities and displays for all the family can be seen at Pencester Gardens, Dover on Saturday 21 July, from 10am to 3pm, as part of a packed Community Safety Day. The event has been organised by the Dover District Community Safety Partnership, including Kent Police and Dover District Council.
New Flag Presented To HMS Tracker
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
The Chairman of Dover District Council has presented a new civic flag to the captain of HMS Tracker at a special ceremony this week (Monday 16 July). Cllr Bernard Butcher presented the flag to Lt Simon Tappin on behalf of Dover District Council while the vessel was docked in Dover Marina this week.

Top Gear Challenge Takes Place In Dover
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
The three presenters of the popular BBC television programme Top Gear were in Dover today to attempt another of their race challenges against each other.
Bucket And Spade Ceremony Marks The Beginning Of Work On New Sea Sports Centre
Friday, 20 July 2007
Dignitaries with buckets and spades signalled the start of work on the new Dover Sea Sports Centre on Dover beach this morning. Representatives of the many partners who have collectively raised £2.5 million to build this exciting new project gathered to start digging the foundations.
Firefighters Tackle Fire On Passenger Ferry
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Kent firefighters have tackled a boat trailer fire on the car deck of a passenger ferry at Eastern Docks, Dover.
"Spirit Flame" To Arrive In Dover To Mark Centenary Of Scouting Movement
Monday, 23 July 2007
The "Spirit Flame" - an Olympic-style torch which marks the centenary of the Scouting movement - is due to arrive in Dover on Saturday 28 July at 3pm.
Smokefree Poster Competition Winners
Monday, 23 July 2007
Prize-winning pupils have been presented with posters of their winning artwork following a special competition to mark the introduction of national Smokefree legislation.

Fast Food Outlet Formally Opened By Miss Dover
Monday, 23 July 2007
Dover's new fast food outlet Subway formally opened recently, and DCAL's Miss Dover Cloe Atkins was in attendance to cut the traditional ribbon.
Police Appeal For Witnesses Of Aggressive Act
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Police are appealing for witnesses who would have been in the area of Pencester Park, Dover at lunchtime on Tuesday 17 July who may have seen a 23-year-old woman being approached by a man aged in his late teens or early 20s who was part of a group playing cricket.
Fortifications At Western Heights In Urgent Need Of Repair
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
The fortifications at Dover's Western Heights are in urgent need of repair, costing up to £1 million. That's according to the latest "Buildings at Risk" register, published by English Heritage on Tuesday.
Summer Holiday Activity Schemes
Friday, 27 July 2007
Summer fun is in the air, and Vista Leisure - with support from Dover District Council and partners in the community - is ready for action with its summer holiday activities.
Cross Channel Art Trail Links To Dover Museum
Friday, 27 July 2007
A cross channel art collaboration, as part of a contemporary art trail linking France, Belgium and England, has included a work now installed and on show at Dover Museum. The art trail, Shadows In Paradise, is themed as memorials to the 1st and 2nd World Wars.
SeaFrance In Sponsorship Deal With Dover Athletic Football Club
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Dover Athletic Football Club is delighted to announce that SeaFrance Dover-Calais ferries will be the Club's new main sponsors for the 2007-2008 season.