Radical Refurbishment Takes Off - Pencester Skate Park Launched
Monday, 5 March 2007
A leading edge skate park in Pencester Gardens was officially launched on Saturday (3 March) following a major refurbishment and an exciting upgrading of skateboard, BMX and in-line skating facilities in the park.
Residents Of Dover Estate Invited To Hang Out Ideas For Improvement
Monday, 5 March 2007
Residents on a Dover estate are being invited to hang out their ideas for improving it on a special washing line this weekend. The line will be strung across Khartoum Square at Old Park, Whitfield, this Saturday (March 10th) from 12noon to 3pm.
Project DELTA Looks Forward To Another Year Of Healthy Living
Monday, 5 March 2007
A partnership project to promote healthy living in the community engaged with more than 28,000 residents in a variety of funded activities for all ages throughout the last year - and is entering its fifth year with a range of projects and events ready for action.
Council Tax Decision
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Dover District Council has confirmed Council Tax for the district at its meeting last night (7 March). The element of the Council Tax bill for Dover District Council is to increase by 4.95%.
Warning After Drugs Taken
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Police are warning that prescription drugs stolen from a flat in Dover could be fatal if taken without medical supervision.
Youths Warned Under Operation Freedom
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Three youths from Dover have received formal warnings as Kent Police continues to target the nuisance caused by illegal riding of motor cycles under Operation Freedown. Two youths were stopped in Old Park Road, Dover on Sunday afternoon (4 March) and one was stopped in Poulton Close, Dover.
Dover Carnival Association Ltd To Participate In Creation Of National Carnival Archive
Friday, 9 March 2007
Dover Carnival Association Limited has been invited to participate in the creation of the National Carnival Archive. The archive will be based in a purpose built UK Centre for Carnival Arts in Luton.

Plans Passed For £50 Million Makeover Of Dover's Retail Quarter
Friday, 9 March 2007
Plans for the biggest ever regeneration of Dover's retail centre have been passed - kick-starting a massive urban renewal in the historic Kent port. Dover District Council last night (Thursday March 8) approved plans submitted by developer Bond City and retailer ASDA to create an 85,000 sq ft food store with a further 35,000 sq ft of additional shop and restaurant space.

Dover Loyalty Card Promotion Day
Sunday, 11 March 2007
The Dover Loyalty Card scheme saw it's official launch yesterday (Saturday March 10) in Dover town centre.
Recycling Service Continues To Expand
Monday, 12 March 2007
A black box bonanza is set to sweep Dover district as the popular recycling service continues to expand - with the introduction of a new vehicle in April that will mean the scheme will be getting close to providing collections to every household in the district.
Grammar Schools To Receive Funding For After-School Clubs
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
Both grammar schools in Dover are to receive thousands of pounds to develop after-school science and engineering clubs.
Wind Turbine To Help Power Dover District Council
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
On the day that the Government introduces its climate change legislation, Dover District Council is welcoming news that it could be the first authority in the country to have a stand-alone wind turbine on its premises.
Two Dover Primary School To Merge
Friday, 16 March 2007
Two Dover primary school will merge this September, but they will remain in their existing buildings for the time being. The decision by Schools Adjudicator Alan Parker follows an appeal by Melbourne Community School against Kent County Council's decision to close the school and move all the pupils to The Powell School.
Pupils Help Kick Off Countdown To Going Smokefree On 1 July
Friday, 16 March 2007
Prize-winning pupils from across the district helped kick off the countdown to going smokefree at a special roadshow at Dover Market Square on National No Smoking Day on Wednesday 14 March.
Police Issue Warnings And Seize Vehicle Under Operation Freedom
Monday, 19 March 2007
Police in the Dover district have stopped 17 motor bikes and mini motos and seized a vehicle as Operation Freedown continues to target nuisance and illegal riding. The Kent Police off-road bike team and local Neighbourhood officers have been targeting known locations to deal with nuisance vehicles under Operation Freedown.
Cannabis Factory Closed Down
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Police in Dover have seized more than 100 cannabis plants and cannabis cultivation equipment from an address in Victoria Park.
Lorry Driver Killed On A20
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Police are appealing for witnesses to a fatal road collision at 7.30 pm on the A20 at Capel le Ferne last night (Wednesday 21 March). A Belgian lorry was involved in a collision with a Polish lorry close to a lay by on the London bound section of the A20 between Folkestone and Dover.
World War 2 Festival
Friday, 23 March 2007
Air raid wardens, ration books and a range of wartime artefacts were among the many topics in the air when more than 250 school children from around Kent came to Dover Museum to learn about life during World War 2 for two special festival days.
Working To Promote Benefits For All
Friday, 23 March 2007
Dover District Council has been leading a project, working with other authorities across the country, to bring important benefits information to people nationwide.
St Margaret's Bay Car Park Resurfacing
Friday, 23 March 2007
The car park at St Margaret's Bay is being completely resurfaced between 26 March and 30 April.

Mayor Hosts Civic Reception For 2006 DCAL Courts
Friday, 23 March 2007
On Monday 19th March the Right Worshipful Mayor of Dover, Councillor Jan Tranter, hosted a civic reception at the Town Council offices for the outgoing DCAL Courts of 2006. The Mayor took the opportunity of thanking the courts for their tireless hard work on behalf of Dover, and presented DCAL with an engraved glass plaque.
DDC Calls All Pirates To Draw On Treasure Hunting Skills
Friday, 23 March 2007
A call is going out to young pirates to draw on their treasure hunting skills to help gather in recyclables. Dover District Council's Waste Services team has launched a colouring competition for 4 to 11 year-olds, with a set of specially designed pirate pictures available at ports of call across the area, and prizes to be won!

Police Concern Grows Over Welfare Of Missing Man
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Police in Dover are growing increasingly concerned for the welfare of a man who has been missing for three weeks.
Power Cut Affects Over A Thousand Dover Properties
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Engineers are trying to repair a fault which has resulted in a power cut to more than a thousand properties in Dover.
Business Rates To Be Discussed At Meeting
Friday, 30 March 2007
Local businesses, District councillors and representatives from the Valuation Office Agency are meeting in Dover next week to discuss business rates in Dover.