Vic Matcham wrote:Mr Heart .
You might not know ,but the town council and parish councils each tell the D.D.C, what funding they need each year and the district council have to give it to them.There is talk of a capping but that is not in place yet.
But the amount of cash the district council gets each year from the KCC. is cut from the year before last year they had a cut of over £1million pounds.
This isn't at all how it works - parish and town councils can currently set their precept at whatever level they want, they just have to justify the level to their residents who pay the bills. They tell DDC what that amount is and it is collected as part of the council tax demand which is administered by DDC, with money distributed to the various bodies as identified on your statements, including KCC, DDC and town or parish councils. There is a small level of grant that comes via DDC but this isn't usually significant compared to the precept.
Town and parish councils only have 6 duties that they have to perform, and only two of these relate to practical items - providing allotments if requested to do so and if practical, and taking on responsibility for closed church yards if asked to do so. Everything else they do is voluntary under powers they have.
DDC have been warning local councils for several years that this situation might end and they could be capped, so responsible councils have been taking this into consideration when setting their precept.