Guest 967- Registered: 9 Jun 2013
- Posts: 28
Andrew garrett how date you dismiss what alot of people worked hard to obtain not to mention the views of the peopke that actually signed! So please share how all these houses will improve dover will the shops suddenly be full or will these ppl go to folkestone or elsewhere? Also I attended a whps meetin where it was said a figure of 70 mill would be needed to restore the heights so although 5 mill is alot of money be realistic and im pretty sure tourists wood rather look at a pretty field that farthinglow is now and not a housing estate!
Rollin wiv the punches
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
with all due respect debbie farthingloe is not on the tourist track and the proposed development is mainly on the old eurotunnel workers site.
Guest 745- Registered: 27 Mar 2012
- Posts: 3,370
Andrew says
I work in the construction industry and have never come across any "Eastern European's".
You may be pushing a pen in an office or have your eyes shut
90% of construction jobs I have been on in the last 10 years have had eastern Europeans working on them
I agree with you on profit ,men need to get a proper cut for there wage, for there work.
china is spending money it has received from the
De-industrialization of the west , because of currency manipulation and slave Labour , it's a dictator ship
Its human right record is as bad as it gets .
Guest 756- Registered: 6 Jun 2012
- Posts: 727
Laura, Have just read your full name and I think I had the pleasure of working with your father on some community projects, well done for keeping his mission alive.
Jan Higgins- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,802
Looks like we are going over the same predictable negative posts that have been done so many times I think some of us might even know the gist of them off by heart.
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Guest 967- Registered: 9 Jun 2013
- Posts: 28
So plz stop sayin its gonna bring in tourists coz it wont and its still an area of natural beauty thats going to look an eye sore! Even they know it will coz at the meetin they showed how the heights will look with the hotel funny how farthinglow was shown how it is now with sqiggly lines drawn on!
Rollin wiv the punches
Guest 967- Registered: 9 Jun 2013
- Posts: 28
Sorry if we are boring you jan higgins may I suggest 50 shades of grey instead!
Rollin wiv the punches
Guest 756- Registered: 6 Jun 2012
- Posts: 727
No need to be rude Debbie.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i blame mr richardson myself, not even been a member for 24 hours and caused more strife than henry kissinger could even dream of.
Guest 761- Registered: 10 Jul 2012
- Posts: 115
Something I want to clarify on this thread. Farthingloe was only granted permission for the temporary use as the Chunnel works village on the condition that was returned to its original condition afterward. With the exception of the farm itself it was green fields and hills, this is why it was sold very cheaply once the tunnel works were finished, because it was not to be used for anything else.
Guest 745- Registered: 27 Mar 2012
- Posts: 3,370
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
you are right mike that is my understanding of the permission.
Guest 756- Registered: 6 Jun 2012
- Posts: 727
Take Heart, maybe we could insist that the DTIZ should take priority?
Guest 944- Registered: 16 May 2013
- Posts: 57
Post #109. Sorry, not really trying to cause strife, just felt the need to publicise what I see as a bad direction for the district!
But now I'm a member I promise not all my posts will be of the strife-causing kind (I hope anyway). I'll also post updates about some of the archaeological and heritage activities that I hope we will be doing more of in and around Dover from now on (I work as Outreach Manager for Canterbury Archaeological Trust).
Andrew Richardson
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
lighten up andrew most of my comments are made with tongue firmly in cheek, you have succeeded in bringing newer posters into this important debate.
Guest 944- Registered: 16 May 2013
- Posts: 57
Lol, no worries, I realise that a lot of the stuff on here is tongue in cheek (although clearly not all of it!). Despite being a former councillor I do like to think I'm also a fully paid up human being, so do have a sense of humour.
I'm glad to have joined. Thought about it for a while but this forum has had a reputation for being quite rough and that can put people off. But definitely a good place for sharing different views about our beloved town.
Andrew Richardson
Jan Higgins- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,802
#108. Thanks Lesley
rudeness gets us nowhere.
Debbie if you have read all the posts on several other threads on this subject you might understand what I meant. BTW I have never read 50 Shades of Grey is it worth reading.
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Guest 653- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,540
Look forward to your future postings Andrew; you must be really miffed with me I guess.
Mike - there is extant planning permission for industrial units to be built at Farthingloe, so although it would have been unlikely that they would have been built, they could have, so it wasn't going to stay green fields forever.
The only gap between the houses at Maxton and these new houses, is the Dover College playing fields.
Guest 975- Registered: 19 Jun 2013
- Posts: 28
Firstly I think you'll find any "Eastern Europeans" would work just as hard an as anyone else. I have worked in the office and also based on site. Then vast majority of any subcontractors are English, with exceptions I'm sure. Local companies train young people, I worked at RJ Barwick Construction till the bitter end, a local company for 160 years that suffer due to the local failing economy. Although I'm not the most experienced around, I would suggest my background gives me some grounds to share my opinion.
Debbie Britnel - more people, more council tax and yes more people in shops. Dover shouldn't lay back and forget its obligation to upgrade and regenerate so people have reason to spend money in the town. More council tax means more more to improve services we all use. You don't need a degree in economics to work out that more people equals more money locally.
Also are we to suggest we shouldn't go to the doctors because they're not English?! Or maybe we should all spend money somewhere else, maybe somewhere they don't want to make profit?!! Any ideas???
DOVER NEEDS INVESTMENT! Dover needs profitable business to grow! An ambitious town breeds ambitious people, Dover's only chance to change!
So in conclusion I dare to ignore narrow minded people and I sincerely hope the petition is ignored!
Guest 756- Registered: 6 Jun 2012
- Posts: 727
Jan, I have read the first book in the trilogy, utter rubbish classed as porn but so badly written I found myself examining the crack in the bedroom ceiling!!!!!