Keith Sansum1- Location: london
- Registered: 25 Aug 2010
- Posts: 23,865
Is pencester the most inviting at the mo?
Is it correct the council was working towards this decision two years ago?
Is it correct the police are one of the main objecters?
Matey- Location: Dover
- Registered: 11 Oct 2021
- Posts: 173
There’s a nice big area by the clock tower now?
Guest 3925 and victor matcham like this
Life without a dog is like a salad without lettuce.
Judith Roberts- Registered: 15 May 2012
- Posts: 637
It would be wonderful if Pencester lived up to its name and had planting to become 'gardens' again. Or at least a pleasant place to sit and enjoy the view of the castle.
The Gov- Registered: 24 May 2020
- Posts: 151
It is my understanding that Dover Town Council are fighting DDC over this. It,s a down right disgrace over one person who lives out of the town to stop this. Thank you Sorry I did not get your name Mr Councillor.
With all the stuff which has been going on. Price of running a house etc and the people which run the fair put on FREE afternoons for the people who can not normally affored it.
Shame on you SIR.
victor matcham, Andy B and Guest 3925 like this
Guest 3925- Registered: 28 Nov 2020
- Posts: 541
Absolutely ridiculous, no wonder the town is going downhill rapidly, my children have grown up in Dover and this was one of the highlights for them, it was never Alton Towers but it was good local fun.
Maybe if the Police actually dealt with the problem of drunkeness in the park, the Government dealt with homelessness and Dover district council cared about the town it's named after, we'd have our fair....along with so much more!
Oh yes, stupid me, no one cares who can change this and us locals just suffer.
Mr Aziz will be getting an Andypol email
Jan Higgins, victor matcham, Reginald Barrington and
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Andy B- Location: dover
- Registered: 10 Nov 2012
- Posts: 1,746
How do they think theyre enhancing it,i,m surprised they havent removed the bandstand in case it causes noise pollution,green space?honestly what a load of old b*******.
victor matcham, The Gov and Guest 3925 like this
The Gov- Registered: 24 May 2020
- Posts: 151
Sorry if I am wrong don't GRASS grow back back if you reseeded it ?
We just let the Pissheads make a mess. Welcome to Dover. Bloody joke.
victor matcham, Guest 3925 and Andy B like this
victor matcham- Registered: 5 Oct 2021
- Posts: 1,063
You are right sir the fair is part of the events of the town has been for years ,bad move by the council and other nail in their box at voting time.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
There are very good reasons behind this move.I was on the events committee at DDC for several years .I m aware of problems that arise .Having to deal with complaints etc .The fair over the years got bigger and bigger?
I watched them one morning trying to get the Lorries in .When it rained the grass was churned up .There were incidents of anti social behaviour .One fair operator only hired the ground for a few days coming from Deal after their Carnival .The others two weeks .There are always two sides to a story.
Keith Sansum1- Location: london
- Registered: 25 Aug 2010
- Posts: 23,865
I think Sue deal with the issue
If he puts up 10 grand and damaged ground charge him .
I think like P and O buy not quite as bad
This is a council P R
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
I think that somewhere along the line There is more .to it.They always have paid a deposit .Even in my time there were problems . There was no reason to put up posters saying no fair this year
More to it than people on face book know.
Jan Higgins- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,816
Thinking of Sue's comment #29 can you imagine the Deal visit or even their precious Carnival getting cancelled because of similar reasons.
I do not like fun fairs but plenty do and they have always been popular, easily repaired damaged grass is not a plausible reason to stop such an important and welcome visit to Dover. A small disruption to a few for the enjoyment of many is a tiny price to pay.
The Gov and victor matcham like this
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
Jan the one at Deal a larger area for use .Not enclosed like Pencester.I donot recall so many complaints as Dover and their stay was shorter.They have the sea one side grassed area and further away from houses.The enclosed area of Pencester the sound was much worse .I donot make these things up as I used to be in the room with the operators .
ray hutstone likes this
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
The hours were cut back for Pencester.
victor matcham- Registered: 5 Oct 2021
- Posts: 1,063
WONDER if the public that do not care about the fair coming to Dover thought the same when they were younger if they ever was that is, I am near 80years now but I still like walking around them my legs stop me going on the rides but still like to see public enjoying themselfs most have a family with them ,
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Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
I did not have fun fairs in the village where I grew up.Never had the money for them anyway .I like to see the youngsters enjoy themselves .I Opened the fair a couple of times .its a pity that a few with anti social behaviour spoilt it.We made our own fun but most of all had to help our parents .we used to put on little plays and our parents came to see it .We had parties with jelly .No ham burgers .We went fruit picking and strolled along country lanes.There are some lovely walks around Dover .The cliff walks ,the hills behind Crabble .Plenty to do .
Button- Location: Dover
- Registered: 22 Jul 2016
- Posts: 3,032
Could always turn the Gardens back into a timber yard I guess?
Arthur likes this
(Not my real name.)
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
Oh yes That’s a reason it has not been built on.
Andy B- Location: dover
- Registered: 10 Nov 2012
- Posts: 1,746
Or just a dosshole for the pissheads to enjoy.For christ sake every other town still has and enjoys a Funfair,Theres just been one left from Victoria park,Deal,Theres one due to pull on at Radnor park,Folkestone,Theres one currently open at Rye on the rec,we called in there this morning to see some friends of ours,every other town seems to be getting along whilst we seem to be going backwards,yes theres some lovely walks n scenery around here but young people,familys enjoy a fair,even if you dont spend any money,just to walk through and enjoy the atmosphere,the sounds,the lights,the music,its just what we all need from time to time in this doom ridden world we all have to endure at the moment.Most fairs and events i have attended this year far increased in popularity than they ever have before i think for this very reason,an escape.Still never mind,lets all enjoy the Eco friendly part tarmacked green space,we,ll all try not to enjoy ourselves too much because some prat in power thinks this is what we shall have and like it.I should also add that travelling familys apart from taking money at the fairs also contribute to the local economy,they have to shop,use local services,theres diesel deliverys etc,garage services etc etc,and also pay rent considerable rents to the council for being there,as for the odd bit of chewed up grass,they also have to pay a ground damage deposit.
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Keith Sansum1- Location: london
- Registered: 25 Aug 2010
- Posts: 23,865
That's exactly my point
Of they paid a deposit and felt they damaged ground , take it out of the deposit .
Just because Sue , you didn't go to the fayre shouldnt mean others can't enjoy the facility .
I'm unaware if the Fayre owner was made aware two years ago that these plans were on place ?
That are other issues of anti social behavior mentioned above, and if we are happier to see that than someone at least providing entertainment then that's sad.
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