Well said Neil, excellent piece there. Its a tough world out there. I've never been on board one of those long distance sea monsters but have seen footage in extraordinary weather..and they keep right on going with the ship seemingly dropping 10 floors every few minutes. Rough in all ways...and then on top of the natural problems there are pirates to contend with. Well done all Seafarers.
If you look at Chris T's map as I call it ( channel traffic ) and zoom out..you can see just how much shipping is out there.
* *
In post 632 I featured a baby seagull and mother. Well..sad to report that the news is bad. To save everyone having to flick back to 632 I will reproduce the picture again here..
Yesterday in bright conditions two grim looking Jackdaws attacked. They took hold of the little one and started to do what you might expect. Seagulls everywhere rallied in support of mum and dad seagull, and buzz-bombed the intruders..and the Jackdaws withdrew. But only for a short time. They smelled blood..returned in minutes and finished the job on the little one...undisturbed and seemingly well able for the gulls. The little baby gull was torn assunder even though the poor little thing tried to fight back.
Both parents then sat there for the rest of the day with the dead torn half-eaten baby next to them.
Nature in the raw i suppose..but felt sorry for the poor gulls.
* *
And now the Twilight Zone.
A couple of days ago the fog began to mostly disappear as we went into the evening and the sun came through bathing the channel in near orange twilight zone conditions. Took the following pictures but they do look a tad unreal..vessels floating in mid air..
The Santa Maria Manuella gliding down the channel looking heavenly. Tis a long way out but what beauty!
and now below a huge liner, a whopper among whoppers to be technical..
The Adventure of the Seas, an enormous 137,000 tons plus monster..wow!
Dont think that one would fit into Dover, but maybe we could give it a go.
Hard to get an idea of scale when they are floating in mid air like that
but clearly very big indeed.
* *
and now finally
Slipping into harbour yesterday the Dutch vessel Jantje.. a little beauty.
Just looking at it and I feel a bit of a shanty coming on.
" twenty men on a dead mans chest
yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
drink and the devil have dun the rest
yo ho ho and a bottle of rum "
there you are.