howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
The books are audited annually and are available for inspection but no doubt there will still be murmurings.
Is there a post missing as no. 19 doesn't make sense?
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
It does not make sense Howard as Mr Matcham has deleted his post.
howard mcsweeney1 likes this
Reginald Barrington- Location: Dover
- Registered: 17 Dec 2014
- Posts: 3,235
I think Vic has withdrawn his support for the mayor
howard mcsweeney1 likes this
Arte et Marte
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
Some are quick to put the boot in.
Labour member Kevin Mills said: ‘I’ve seen people trying to get people to resign from positions for far less than that.
‘How can you represent the people in Dover if that’s what you do? I don’t see how you can say, “I don’t intend to go”, when you have done something wrong.
‘I’d be gobsmacked if the average person will perceive snorting Charlie as anything other than wrong. I think he’s stepped on the line.’
He added: ‘Now Dover isn’t remembered for all the right things – now it’s remembered as the place where the mayor’s taking cocaine.’
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Captain Haddock- Location: Marlinspike Hall
- Registered: 8 Oct 2012
- Posts: 7,977
Eagle eyed readers will not that the 'vijo' (as they call it locally) in Post 1 has now been deleted!
Unfortunately the past can not be rewritten and the idea of being able to suppress something that has appeared on National TV, unless you are in North Korea, remains absurd. Like the Hydra it will just keep sprouting heads.
Here's its replacement for those who missed it last time around, Dover's own Arthur Mullard look-a-like is starring!
In passing, I was just talking to one of the Town Councillors and pointing out that this year Dover is hosting Speaker's Day on 1st October when Rixey, in full fancy dress, will be expected to lead all the great and the good of the Cinque Ports for the usual church service, speeches and 'refreshments' parading through the centre of town.
He opined that he should have no problem as all he has to do is follow the 'white line' down the centre of the road and he has had plenty of practice.
Jan Higgins and howard mcsweeney1 like this
"We are living in very strange times, and they are likely to get a lot stranger before we bottom out"
Dr. Hunter S Thompson
Guest 664- Registered: 23 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,039
"White Lines of Dover" etc etc.
Fodder for a feeding frenzy of anti-Dover stereotyping ...sadly the Mayor appears to have let down himself and the town, but what nasty, warped little snoop has been planting cameras in toilet cubicles? They are no better than he, and arguably worse. What else have they been looking at? All very unsavoury.
Guest 664- Registered: 23 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,039
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
Nothing planted in the bogs, Cllr Rix's drinking companions videoed on a mobile phone with a view to blackmailing him in the future.
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
with friends like that who needs enamys
howard mcsweeney1 likes this
Captain Haddock- Location: Marlinspike Hall
- Registered: 8 Oct 2012
- Posts: 7,977
At least when Bowie was going through his Cocaine phase he remained a totally cool icon known as the 'Thin White Duke', not the Fat White Mayor!
TheThinWhiteDuke and howard mcsweeney1 like this
"We are living in very strange times, and they are likely to get a lot stranger before we bottom out"
Dr. Hunter S Thompson
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
The big question now is who will replace him, the role of Mayor is important and not something to be sniffed at.
Ian Handley likes this
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
stop snorting at his downfull
Ian Handley likes this
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
His holiness the Mayor has learned an important lesson in as much that nobody can buck the cistern.
Ian Handley likes this
Captain Haddock- Location: Marlinspike Hall
- Registered: 8 Oct 2012
- Posts: 7,977
I blame political correctness.
Only a few years ago anyone seeing two males entering a toilet cubicle and locking the door would have thought it somewhat 'odd'.
Nowadays we all pretend we have seen nothing in case people somehow think we are 'homophobic'.
Captain Haddock likes this
"We are living in very strange times, and they are likely to get a lot stranger before we bottom out"
Dr. Hunter S Thompson
Guest 1831- Registered: 1 Sep 2016
- Posts: 395
Captain Haddock's take on this situation is hilarious. Why a grown man, and Neil Rix certainly looks more than a grown man, would want to take another man into a public toilet with him , is incredulous.
Having this person in one of the highest public offices, admitting he cannot tell sherbet from Cocaine is even more puzzling.
As I understand it, when a Councillor is vetted for office, he / she has to undergo a very stringent investigation as to their suitability for the task. This includes any criminal acts/investigations in the past.
Methinks Mr Rix is cocking a snoop at the people and Town of Dover.
Dover Town Council is becoming a cess pit of a club, under Alison Burton. A private, comfortable club, where fear reigns, and the occupants cannot be criticised by the public, they actually serve.
In fact, they have lost the plot.
Guest 1792 likes this
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
There is no vetting procedure or stringent investigations of Town Councillors, difficult enough to get people to stick their hands up.
My information is that two have chucked it in and there will be elections to replace them but I suspect that won't happen and two willing persons will be rubber stamped in.
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
its all gone to pot.
Ian Handley likes this
Guest 664- Registered: 23 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,039
A crack has appeared in the Town Council.
Guest 664- Registered: 23 Mar 2008
- Posts: 1,039
Makes him look a right Charlie. Time to draw a line under the jokes though?
Guest 660- Registered: 14 Mar 2008
- Posts: 3,205
If a person stands for any Council vacancy there is a vetting procedure if they belong to apolitical party,there is an interview and a background check,this of course doesn't mean that everything is know but it is a check
If you knew what I know,we would both be in trouble!