Guest 660- Registered: 14 Mar 2008
- Posts: 3,205
of course it shouldn't but if I was voting for someone who claims they were independent , and were a member of UKIP or Tory or even Lib,then I would like to know what way they lean.By calling themselves Indy and being a member of a Political party to me is hiding something.
If you knew what I know,we would both be in trouble!
Guest 1849- Registered: 12 Sep 2016
- Posts: 440
JHG wrote:of course it shouldn't but if I was voting for someone who claims they were independent , and were a member of UKIP or Tory or even Lib,then I would like to know what way they lean.By calling themselves Indy and being a member of a Political party to me is hiding something.
I think you misunderstand, Ukip is the only party that doesn't "whip" it's reps, they are free to vote with their conscience. Your post succinctly demonstrates the perils of tribalism.
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
so david,ukip are not into bondage then,rather refreshing really
howard mcsweeney1 likes this
Jan Higgins- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,819
Post 101 just goes to prove how much some of our local politicians think what party you follow will sway how local politicians are likely to vote on any given subject, which logically means they do not really care about the town only their party.
Guest 1863, Guest 1849, Guest 687 and
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Guest 1863, Guest 1849, Guest 687, howard mcsweeney1 and Reginald Barrington like this
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Guest 1849- Registered: 12 Sep 2016
- Posts: 440
Jan Higgins wrote:Post 101 just goes to prove how much some of our local politicians think what party you follow will sway how local politicians are likely to vote on any given subject, which logically means they do not really care about the town only their party.
Spot on Jan, if you feel like losing the will to live go to a full council meeting at DDC. Blues on one side, reds on the other, each objecting to what the other proposes regardless.
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
Paul M- Registered: 1 Feb 2016
- Posts: 393
What a surprise! If he had any decency he would have resigned my now. It's one thing bringing shame on himself but he's also brought shame on the town.
Jan Higgins likes this
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
I was at a function last evening where the Dover Mayor was present no mention was made of the latest report.I assume there is no police action but surely the monitoring Office at DDC has to make a statement as to whether the publicity caused by the story has brought the Town Council into
Mr Nix is a big man and it appears he has strong shoulders !
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
The police have stated that there is no case to answer Sue, surprised that the monitoring officer has not made a public statement yet.
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,020
Yes very surprised.
Guest 649- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 14,118
There is no prove what the powder was ,he is doing a very good job,if I was still on the council I would back him.and it was years ago anyway,get off his back and let him get on with the job he was voted in to do.Most of us have done things in the pass we now wish we had not, I know I have done more then one.
Guest 1385 and Guest 1863 like this
Paul M- Registered: 1 Feb 2016
- Posts: 393
Every sane person knows exactly what he was shoving up his nose. Do you think people would have voted for him if they knew he was taking class A drugs?
Guest 1863- Registered: 23 Sep 2016
- Posts: 2
I have not been in this town for a long time but I have looked into the background of Dover and the Cllrs. It appears a great number of them have brought many personal problems to their position on the town council. I am sure they must be quaking in their shoes, hoping the subject is dropped before their history is highlighted. Surely, one can't victimise any individual? Matters were left to ride despite disrepute being brought to both the council and the town by a serious number of them. How far does one go back to clean the slate? As we hear so often " lessons were learned" . So one would suggest to let the subject rest, permit the mayor to carry out his plans for the town, which others are already claiming quite unashamedly as their idea and together build on the unrecognised treasures amongst the residents who work tirelessly for its improvement. Surely, progress is what everybody wishes for?
Guest 1385, Guest 649 and howard mcsweeney1 like this