Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
anyone for mending tennis courts?
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Sid, your cash for questions comment? You do say idiotic things at times, at least that abuse was not as bad as the Labour Peers cash for laws.... One day perhaps you will say something intelligent and interesting relating actually to the specifics being discussed.
Keith also worth noting that the 'cheapest' MP, the one claiming the lowest level of expenses is a Tory. Sad really that you had to introduce this kind of argument as this is a problem regardless of party if you really want to trade on who did what and who is the worse then click on that politicshome link I provided earlier.
Guest 658- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 660
Yet again those on the forum are who support there parties are having digs at the opposing parties. Cant you get it into your heads that we [Joe public have had enough] what we want is a degree of honesty, some prosecutions would help. We the average taxpayer has had enough.
beer the food of the gods
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
You are correct, just pointing out all parties have got themselves into this.
As I'v said in earlier posts I agree with Barryw that there needs to be an overhaul of all this system.
The present system cannot be justified, more so that everyone is having to tighten there belts(well most of us)
I do hope this independent person looking into all of this, makes radical changes and MP's of ALL PARTIES go with it.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
such a pity that the thread degenerated into punch and judy politics.
started off well, but the usual party hacks destroyed it.
Agreed. I am equally as disgusted with the party I have always supported, they are every bit as bad as the party I have never supported. Both major parties are united in their greedy corruption and theft of our hard earned tax pounds. They can ALL go to hell as far as I'm concerned, Labour AND Tory alike.
Guest 673- Registered: 16 Jun 2008
- Posts: 1,388
It is depressing but comes as no surprise to see our local politicos engaging in their usual yah-boo attempts at puerile point-scoring. The political malaise is clearly equally as prevalent at grass-roots level as it is with those less-than-honourable members of parliament whose greedy antics are being exposed day by day to the mounting incredulity of a nation who feel deceived and sorely let down.
My own feeling is that the remuneration for M.P.'s is far too high and should be drastically reduced to encourage high-minded people of principle to put themselves forward solely for the honour and privilege of serving their constituents and their country. The accompanying emoluments should be adequate to ensure a comfortable standard of living and no more.
I have no confidence in the ability of any of the present generation of politicians to redress the apocalyptic situation in which the nation now finds itself. For decades past, the wealth of the nation has been frittered away by intellectual pygmies hewing single-mindedly to one or another tired and discredited political philosopy.
Somehow, we have to fashion a way of getting the brightest and best into parliament such that under competent leadership we may forge ahead without forever having the fruits of our joint endeavours repeatedly dissipated by the actions of second-rate placemen operating outwith their limited range of abilities.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
I fully agree, I think they should rip up all the present salary/expenses and start again.
As you say pay a reasonsable wage not one thats like a lottery win each year!!!
A lot of people woud do the job for half even a quarter of the wages presently obtained by MP'S a complete tearing up of the present system and radical reform is the only way that the general public can start to regain confidence in the national politics system, and politics in general.
Sid Pollitt
I was trying to make the point that BarryW seemed to be defending what seems to be indefensible, he did so before the second round of allegations against Tory MPs that included pools and moats. I'm sure some of what's been reported is blown out proportion and some claims that seem bad will be seen to be justifiable when the full facts are revealed and I suppose BarryW's slightly different perspective if applied to all MPs may be proved correct.
Guest 686- Registered: 5 May 2009
- Posts: 556
Apologies if this has already been said earlier.
MPs are OUR representatives and WE pay their salaries and expenses. How come, then, that WE don't get a say in writing the rules on how these expenses are managed?
In my opinion this topic is above party politics as the rules are applied across the political spectrum. If Scotland Yard do finally find a culprit for leaking this information to the press then that person should be given a medal.
Phil West
If at first you don't succeed, use a BIGGER hammer!!
Guest 684- Registered: 26 Feb 2009
- Posts: 635
Brilliant post, Ed. Absolutely spot-on.
A plague on all their houses.
Where's the morality, independence, decency and sense of service to the nation, the community and the voters gone in our political class (and I use the word 'class' very very loosely)?
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
Impressive performance by DC at his press conference. He at least has taken positive action where Brown has taken none and showed real anger.
This is what he has done:
No more flipping.
Paying back all the dodgy money.
Capital Gains Tax will be paid by MPs on second homes where expenses have covered interst payments.
All Tory MPs expenses go online immediately, from now on for transparency.
A scrutiny committee who will review all Tory MP expense claims and will order repayment where necessary and any who refused will no longer be Tory MPs.
No more food, furniture and household bills on expenses.
He even said he would be paying back his one and only claim for property maintenance - good move.
He also dropped a big hint to local Conservative Associations that they can deselect any MP who they believe cannot justify himself. That is about as far as he can go in that without being accused of intefering in a local Party.
That is a pretty good response within the limits that he can operate as merely the leader of the opposition.
He has once again stolen a march on Gordon Brown who still seems to be hiding in his bunker and not saying anything positive or taking firm action.
Tomorrow we will see what is revealed about the LibDem MPs.
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
yawn zzzzz
Barry, you know what side I normally vote for, but seeing the swimming pools and luxury gardening keeps the Tories have been skimming for this evening has made my blood boil over. I think any "keep the public happy" crap action that the main leaders do now is going to be too little too late. So what if Gordon Brown or David Cameron slap a few wrists - big deal. The guilty should be thrown out of politics forever and should consider new jobs as bank robbers or muggers of old folk. It's no wonder pensioners can't afford to live well when they are taxed so that MPs can keep their swimming pools and country estates in good shape.
Lib Dems tomorrow then. Jesus, it's enough to make you consider voting for the BNP. At least they're honest about being a bad bunch.
Guest 655- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 10,247
We must remember it remains a minority that are being fingered and make no mistake, the media will be targetting what they regard as the worse offenders and if £4 for some dog food mixed in with other stuff is among those worse cases it will remain a minority of MPs of all sides who are in the wrong.
As a businessman Rick, you know as well as I do, as humans we can make a mistake or get things wrong and what counts is how you deal with it.
Given the limits on Cameron as only being the opposition leader you cannot say that he has not acted. The news this evening talked about his draconian measures regarding Tory MPs. I personally would not go so far as to say that but he has been decisive and, as such, can be seen as a leader.
He cannot sack someone and the police cannot arrest someone who has acted within the rules - the rules are wrong and need to be changed and what Cameron has done is to place clear limits on what is acceptable and any claim that is not within those limits will be repaid even if within the rules. That is much more than Brown or Clegg have done.
His scutiny committee will not only be looking into those Conseervative MPs who have been 'fingered' but will be checking all Conservative MPs and applying DC's standard retrospectively.
I am pleased to say that he received the full support of the shadow cabinet, the 1922 committee and the backbench meeting with no complaints.
They at least 'get it' unlike speaker Martin, Harriet Harman and others. What is Brown going to do now to play catch up.
howard mcsweeney1- Location: Dover
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 62,352
i agree that dc came across very well today, he was genuinely indignant about the behaviour of the country squires maintaing their estates at the expence of the taxpayer.
playing a dangerous gane though, they may be back benchers but are still movers and shakers in the party.
the pm appears to be in a bunker mentality.
reminds me of the last days of thatcher, both of them oblivious that both their friends and enemies want to see the back of them.
interesting to read how the smaller parties are gaining support before the council and euro elections due to the corruption and also lack of intellect of the main two parties.
Guest 658- Registered: 13 Mar 2008
- Posts: 660
A very unpleasant outcome of this disgrace is that many seats will go to the BNP, i hope im wrong.
beer the food of the gods
Brian Dixon- Location: Dover
- Registered: 23 Sep 2008
- Posts: 23,940
evan worse to come later in the week so the 6 oclock news was saying.
Guest 683- Registered: 11 Feb 2009
- Posts: 1,052
Guzzler I have the same concerns about the extreme parties and think this is a real threat.
What surprises me, though, is that anyone is surprised by all this. These are, after all, the same people who insisted on pay restraint then awarded themselves massive pay rises and secured their very comfortable pensions whilst others were being told their pensions would not be sufficient or had disappeared! The same people who took the country to war on fabricated evidence of weapons of mass destruction and the same people who have ignored public feeling over a range of significant issues over the past two decades.
Isn't the basis of the problem though that the whole place and process is stifled by tradition. I suggest a new building for Parliament where the seats are arranged in a circular fashion and allocated alphabetically to break down the 'them and us' mentality. I don't believe it would be so confrontational if you are not arranged in packs as at present. You could then relocate it to the centre of the country; it doesn't need to be in London!
You could then award the national minimum wage to MPs to keep them in touch with the real world but with staff provided to carry out the essential admin roles.
That should sort those who want to 'make a difference' to the country from those who want to make a difference to their lifestyles.
Guest 674- Registered: 25 Jun 2008
- Posts: 3,391
I agree if DC gets away with it with his party all well and good.
No one has justified these claims.
Unless the whole expenses fiasco is revamped and MP's just paid for the wage and job they do, and not wages as high as they are today.
Will be very difficult to justify on the doorstep during these elections
glad i'm not involved