- Location: Dover
- Registered: 22 Jul 2016
- Posts: 3,045
Alternatively, you could just drop the dead donkey.
Jan Higgins likes this
(Not my real name.)
Jan Higgins
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,852
Neil Moors wrote:She'll almost certainly get a call today, offering her a Ministerial position. What she does then will tell us all we need to know...
I wonder if she was one of those who turned Boris down.
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Arthur- Registered: 18 Nov 2020
- Posts: 438
There’s absolutely no chance she would have turned him down! Remember this is the woman who will do anything for a photo opportunity!
Neil Moors- Registered: 3 Feb 2016
- Posts: 1,299
There she is, live on Sky News now (at the end Downing Street) with Andrea Jenkins, Peter Bone, Daniel Kawczynski, Christopher Chope et al. For non Parliamentary geeks like me, that's the Johnson loyalist looney brigade.
Jan Higgins, Ross Miller, ray hutstone and
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Jan Higgins, Ross Miller, ray hutstone, Guest 3925 and Arthur like this
Guest 3925- Registered: 28 Nov 2020
- Posts: 541
The best thing is that every photo I've seen in the media (so far) of her supporters shows her almost completely blocked by others

hardly the best photo shoot for her.....

Jan Higgins and Arthur like this
Guest 3925- Registered: 28 Nov 2020
- Posts: 541
Keith Sansum1
- Location: london
- Registered: 25 Aug 2010
- Posts: 23,909
It will still take a lot to convince Dover District people to vote her out .
I was convinced she would come close to losing seat last election but she doubled the majority !
Arthur- Registered: 18 Nov 2020
- Posts: 438
Dover district residents need to be asking themselves “what has Natalie Elphicke done for our area?”
Neil Moors- Registered: 3 Feb 2016
- Posts: 1,299
Who do we think Natalie will support? My guess would be Braverman.
ray hutstone- Registered: 1 Apr 2018
- Posts: 2,158
Disconcerting how many of the candidates are promising tax cuts that the country can't afford. Fishy Rishy seems to be standing alone on tha one.
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Jan Higgins
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,852
Neil Moors wrote:Who do we think Natalie will support? My guess would be Braverman.
Whichever candidate ends up giving her the most photo and self promotion opportunities.
ray hutstone and Ross Miller like this
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Keith Sansum1
- Location: london
- Registered: 25 Aug 2010
- Posts: 23,909
I'm just trying to recall which ex Dover Tory MPs
Actually spoke to anyone apart from own supporters
They tend to stick with a safe crowd .
Peter Rees I saw in the White horse and he did speak to all .
Jan Higgins
- Location: Dover
- Registered: 5 Jul 2010
- Posts: 13,852
Peter Rees was a good MP and sorted a small problem we had very quickly.
I also remember seeing Charlie chatting to the R. Dour cleaners and others near Morrisons, never seen Natalie out and about not even for one of her poxy photo shoots.
I try to be neutral and polite but it is hard and getting even more difficult at times.
Guest 3925- Registered: 28 Nov 2020
- Posts: 541
I spoke to Mr Prosser once, and I saw Natalie on the seafront a while ago reporting about something. I should have chatted to her then as appearances in Dover are few and far between, or as others have said, with a safe crowd!
I've just remembered, Natalie did come and speak to me and a couple of work colleagues when she was hanging onto an official visit of someone else. She came over and introduced herself as the local MP, we all just looked at her and said "we know", then she wanted a photo of her with us and we said no! Fun times

Judith Roberts- Registered: 15 May 2012
- Posts: 637
Peter Rees called at our family to speak to me when I was able to cast my first vote. It was a local election rather than a general election too!
Dover Pilot- Registered: 28 Jul 2018
- Posts: 346
Is there any democracy in the world which can just change the Prime Minister or President without its population having any say in the matter.
I am baffled how the news channels are telling us about the candidates and what they stand for as if we have any choice.
Keith Sansum1
- Location: london
- Registered: 25 Aug 2010
- Posts: 23,909
I saw Charlie boy at hustings (before he was disgraced) scheming with the lib Dems until he realised I was sitting in the next seat !
Charlie was safe with his own .
Naterlie shouldn't have to introduce herself !
And shoujdnt be about photo shoots .
As much as I disliked David Shaw for many reasons
He always made his own comments on replies to letters , and he was seen around the town .
Peter Rees is the only Tory one that I can see actually engages and mean it
Sue Nicholas- Location: river
- Registered: 12 Mar 2008
- Posts: 6,024
Yes David shaw and certainly Peter Reece.Those two were not about photograph shoots.I will contribute from time to time but I will not have people I have never met put on libel comments.?
.Some people donot know me personally .
I hope that we don’t have a general election thrust on us .I have seen the write up re the chap who wishes to stand for Labour in Dover.I think our current MP needs to forget photo shoots.Visit people in their homes and see how much more improvement is needed in Dover.Not side with fancy schemes but looking at the reality of what Dover is about.
Captain Haddock
- Location: Marlinspike Hall
- Registered: 8 Oct 2012
- Posts: 8,029
Charlie was safe with his own?
Hardly. That was the problem ....

"We are living in very strange times, and they are likely to get a lot stranger before we bottom out"
Dr. Hunter S Thompson
Keith Sansum1
- Location: london
- Registered: 25 Aug 2010
- Posts: 23,909
Not correct Bob
David Shaw sadly spent most of his time in Scotland digging at a lab council
Whilst Dover burned
Peter Rees appeared more at home speaking with anyone .
I think we going to end up with failed Charlotte
I'm not so sure Naterlie would lose to her .
The guy lives in Tunbridge Wells that Sue refers to