Major Recycling Expansion Starts
Monday, 3 November 2008
A major expansion of the recycling service from Dover District Council started today (Monday 3 November) - with the expansion of kerbside collections for households across the district to now include cardboard and plastic bottles.

Your Thoughts On The Future Of Connaught Barracks
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
What should Connaught Barracks become? That is just one of the questions that the team from English Partnerships, the national regeneration agency behind the development of the former Connaught Barracks, will be asking in the first stages of the public consultation strategy launched this week.

£6.3 Million Drugs Haul In Coffee Machines
Friday, 7 November 2008
A haul of 700 kilos of 'speed' (amphetamines) and over 120 kilos of cannabis, destined for Northampton, have been seized and stopped from reaching UK streets following robust action by officers from the UK Border Agency (UKBA) at Dover's Eastern docks.
Victorian Festival 2008
Friday, 7 November 2008
Chimney sweeps, chamber maids, and a range of colourful costumed characters from times gone by are being welcomed to Dover Town Hall on Monday and Tuesday (10/11 November) when schools from across Kent return for the popular Victorian Festival.
Man Charged With Attempted Murder
Friday, 7 November 2008
Kent Police has charged a man with attempted murder following the stabbing of a 24 year old man in Dover in the early hours of Thursday 31 July.
Kent Local Authorities And HSE Launch Joint Inspection Campaign
Monday, 10 November 2008
As part of a new flexible warranting initiative, inspectors from Local Authorities across Kent, including Dover District Council, are joining forces with the Health and Safety Executive on a series of visits to workplaces on industrial sites and other locations to assess standards of health and safety management.
Benefit Fraud
Monday, 10 November 2008
Sherry Ward, 34, of Kimberley Walk, Dover appeared at Canterbury Crown Court on 4 November having been committed for sentence for two offences of benefit fraud involving Dover District Council and the Department for Work and Pensions.
Have Your Say At Neighbourhood Forums
Monday, 17 November 2008
Local residents have been invited to talk about 'Street Scene: Making our Neighbourhoods Cleaner, Greener and Safer' at a joint meeting of the Dover North and Dover West Neighbourhood Forums.
Moving Forward In Difficult Times
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Dover District Council's Cabinet has agreed to consult on a provisional budget for 2009/10. The budget balances over the next three years and provides quality growth for the district's regeneration plans.
New Procedures For Planning Introduced
Friday, 21 November 2008
New planning procedures are being brought in by Dover District Council from 1 December, aimed at bringing greater certainty and faster turnaround to answering questions about whether planning permission is needed for a whole range of developments across the district.
Folkestone Lorry Driver Jailed For Drug Smuggling Through Dover
Monday, 24 November 2008
Mason Stephens, 33, a lorry driver of St Michael Street, Folkestone, was jailed on Friday (21 November 2008) at Canterbury Crown Court for seven years and three months for attempting to smuggle over 9.9kgs of cocaine into the UK. The estimated street value of the drugs is £480,000.
Have Your Say On Services For Disabled Young People In Dover District
Monday, 24 November 2008
Following the successful Reach for the Sky event this summer, attended by more than 30 parents, carers and professionals interested in the welfare of disabled children in Dover District, a follow up event is being held this Friday (28 November).