DDC Equality Scheme - Your Views Sought
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Dover District Council has issued a draft Equality Scheme for consultation with local residents and businesses and your views are sought. The scheme will last for three years and will start from 1 April 2009, replacing the existing three year scheme.
White Cliffs Creatives' Guild Call All Artists
Sunday, 18 January 2009
The White Cliffs Creatives' Guild, a not-for-profit membership organisation dedicated to promoting arts and crafts activities in the Dover District and beyond, is calling for artists in the area to submit work for their latest exhibition which will open next month.

£1.8m Heroin Smuggler Jailed
Sunday, 18 January 2009
A lorry driver from Liverpool was jailed for nine years on Friday after pleading guilty to smuggling 40 kilos of heroin into the UK through Dover Eastern Docks.
Kent Local Authorities And HSE Launch Asbestos Inspection Campaign
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Local Authorities across Kent, including Dover District Council, are joining forces with the Health and Safety Executive to carry out targeted inspections in February to raise awareness and make sure companies are not exposing workers to potentially harmful asbestos fibres.
Working Together For Quality Public Spaces
Monday, 26 January 2009
As part of their commitment to ensure high quality streets and public spaces, Dover District Council is working closely with the community and partner agencies and has developed a draft Street Scene Strategy - and your views are sought.
Listening To The Community - Get Involved In Overview And Scrutiny
Monday, 26 January 2009
Dover District Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committees are inviting suggestions from the community on areas to be looked at over the year ahead. Any suggestions for reviews must directly affect a group of people living or working within the Dover District.
Local Development Framework Core Strategy Published
Monday, 26 January 2009
A central part of the Local Development Framework (LDF) for the district is being published this week - the Core Strategy is the key plan that maps out the district's future over the next 20 years and it will be available from Thursday (29 January).
Olympic Live Site Opportunity For Dover
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Dover District Council is currently working with Kent County Council and the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG) to resolve issues that may lead to a planning application for an Olympic Live Site in Dover.